Generally, there is at least one major misconception recognized during the year. Read here if you want to know. Lilith 's placing in your solar return 'could' indicate an area. The 8th house is also reckoned as the house of death. It can be considered the beginning of the angular cycle because it is here that one sets down roots, establishes a path, and sets the tone for the next four years. Placements in the Solar Return Eighth House are almost always feared because of their death and taxes associations but this house is not about fear its about change and how you deal with it. Resulting, The 8th house is commonly associated with the earnings of others while the 2nd house is more indicative of your own earning power. Relationships will tend to be more intense and complicated during the year. The thing is, while the planets for that day are in the same conjunctions, oppositions, squares, etc, regardless of where you are in the world, the houses can changea little bit, at leastif you travel, thereby putting a planet in a more favorable house. What gives? Friends, the future, hopes and wishes, social contacts, social media, technology and invention, freedom, ideals and good fortune. However, the face you present to the world is for the duration of one year only. It sounds like you have your SR houses lined up more or less with your natal houses. May 2016 Lunar Returns & The Moon in Solar Return Charts Sex - The 5th House vs The 8th | ElsaElsa And I have had 4 offers .. all from men who are married. The phrase "acute awareness'' encapsulates the interpretation of Mercury in the 8th house of the solar return. 2 of the offers include thier wives whod like to have 3-somes. Learn how your comment data is processed. We gain a sense of comfort from associating with like minded people and a sense of freedom from aligning ourselves with those who are like ourselves our tribe. Try to get away from everything by being kind to yourself. Everything from long distance travel to intellectual growth is found here. In 2015 I've got the sun, moon, Venus, Jupiter and Mercury in the 8th house, with the Sun, moon and Venus squaring Saturn in Scorpio (WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE GET BACK TO SAGITTARIUS I'M CALLING YOUR MOTHER). You might travel to other . The 8th house of Solar return chart is commonly associated with the earnings of others while the 2nd house is more indicative of your own earning power. The solar return house placement for Pluto can indicate where the struggle originates and possibly what the struggle is about. I hope that's correct because that's what I want for myself and I'm not one to shy away from pain either, especially for the sake of growth. Is that something you've been doing? I did write a lot that year though. But it is also possible to realize the fulfillment of a strong belief in your own abilities. If you have planets in this house, it could mean that you're keenly interested in magic and mysticism. Psychological issues you have avoided for years may surface here and demand to be heard. The purpose of the Solar Return Ninth House is to broaden your mind and alter your world view during the course of the year. We are all familiar with transactions and their key components compromise and acceptance. Lilith can be likened to. The seventh house is ruled by the zodiac sign Libra and carries with it the planetary ruler, Venus. Answers to pressing questions will not come from others; answers lie within. In the Solar Return Chart, placements in the Tenth House usually give an indication of where our careers are headed in any one year. I admit, Id been really dreading this past year for a long time now. A more remote possibility would be an event that involves you or a loved one having to face physical death or a life-threatening illness. The stress along the 2nd-8th sounds very much related resources and ownership, what is yours vs. what belongs to others and things within that remit. 1- The Ascendant of the Solar Return chart will color the individual's approach to his or her environment for the year. While a lot of my old ways of thinking died and were reborn or re-focused into something even more productive, this regeneration was never a bad thing. This assimilation process is essential to the individuals multidimensional growth. In three years' time, when the Sun has, This is a good time to organize and assimilate information you have collected. Instead the small business partnership I have with my father went bankrupt and my income was cut in half. This does not mean, however, that a heavily tenanted Solar Return Twelfth House will turn you into a substance abuser your previous life history will be the most important factor in this. This is due to Jupiter casting its special aspect to the 4th house of home, and the 12th house of foreign/far off places. Solar Return and the 8th house | Astrologers' Community They increase your ability to empower yourself. December 2018 When Venus and Jupiter are in aspect, you can either benefit directly or indirectly through the influence or assistance of another. Of course if you would prefer a professional Solar Return Chart Report Im happy to offer that service on this website. If youd like to check my Solar chart, my Natal data is: June 7, 1951, Burbank, CA 9:50 am PDT. In my experience, The Solar Return Fourth House is very directly to do with all matters relating to the home and family as they are in the here and now. Solar Returns: An Introduction is also available from, Scribd and other online bookstores, using this Universal Book Link (UBL). I say that without passing judgement. Ideas abound, and you are open to looking at life, The 9th house is the house of beliefs. Jupiter in House Eight Jupiter in the 8th House Overview: With Jupiter in the 8th house, there is an optimism and broadness of perspective with regards to crisis situations and trauma. December 2015 This house is where you connect and youll find public transport, cars, phones, your laptop, your contacts and a lot of gossip keeping you busy this year. It may not display this or other websites correctly. The 6th house can also provide support for 3rd house problem-solving tasks. Lifestyle Choices, Practical, Responsibilities, Organisation, Time-keeping, Health and Fitness, Diet, Routines, Pets, Work Life Balance. The Solar Return Third House is where you think. return and it said that having uranus in the 8th house could mean a death of someone close if Uranus has bad aspects. Solar Return Charts are one of the best tools of Predictive Astrology we have at our disposal. However, its fair to say that the Solar Return Twelfth House is where you will have to face up to many of the things you have been trying to avoid. Intellectually, this is a time to gather information. To an outsider, these may seem small but they were huge changes to me. I don't wanna scare you or anything cause I read that 8th house SR isn't always about death of your family member,but about deep transformation. Loss of physical sight. The stress along the 2nd-8th axis, the preponderance of Cancer (another analogue for domestic focus *symbolically*) the oppositions along Cancer and Capricorn and the disposition of the Cancer stellium by the Aries Moon in 4th (conjunct Chiron) sounds like all the transformations, deaths and upheavals will be with regard to the 4th house - which this Solar Return indicates will be the broader area of focus for the year in question. And boy, will you let everyone know about it. However, in the 8th house, much of Venus' influence will be resisted and kept at arm's length. I have issues with my bad tempered, judgemental father. Their body. I lean toward the traditional approach to chart interpretation, one of the more straightforward reasons being that you cannot side-wind your way out of an incorrect read of the chart -- if you say something about the finances of a person, then it is easily verifiable that the statement made about the financial situation of an individual is either correct or incorrect. There is an openness to new knowledge and a willingness to consider new topics that lead to mental expansion. His Asc is Libra, with the moon in my sun sign Aquarius placed nicely in his SR 5th house (actually exactly conjunct my natal Mars at 10 degrees Aq.). Solar Return Ascendant in the natal houses - ethereal scorpio Also Read, Example Case study chart - sun in the 7th of Solar return Chart. August 2013 So, in this post, Im going to give you an outline of what each house in Solar Returns means, together with the Keywords for each Solar Return House which are so useful in analysing Solar Returns. And pay your dues. What to expect? Keep that in mind and analysing your chart becomes a lot easier. So I understand. You are showing yourself to the world in a particular way because of what is happening in your life right now. Jupiter Transiting The 8th House - Star Oracles There is a transforming quality associated with Mars in the 8th, and much energy can be applied towards gaining insight into sexual, financial, and psychological matters. Her many hats include writer, publisher, contract negotiator, mom, ordained minister, and life coach. This technique is aptly named because it describes how a person progresses through their life From Birth Day to Birth day. When the Sun is in the 9th house, many higher and "not so high" beliefs need to be tested and worked with. . Most definitely a year of transformation but not in a bad way at alland thats after being at a nicely serene and happy place in my life the previous year. Addictions of all types fill this house and the Twelfth House makes no distinction between meditation and marijuana. The Sun is as likely to develop a pattern of rotation through the succedent and cadent houses, moving thro, SUN IN ( | 1ST || ) ( | 2ND || ) ( | 3RD || ) ( | 4TH || ) ( | 5TH | ) ( | 6TH | ) ( | 7TH | ) ( | 8TH | ) ( | 9TH | ) ( | 10TH | ) ( | 11TH | ) ( | 12TH | ) HOUSE Sun in 7th House of Solar Return chart placement, indicates the time is right for truly getting to know others, to understand their dreams and disappointments. The material gained during this year will be reorganized, internalized, and contemplated when the Sun moves into the 12th from the 3rd moves to a higher state of knowing in the 12th and assists in the emergence of wisdom. A very sensual position which is in favor of a strongly sexual nature. I have fond memories but it isnt as bad as I thought itd be. PLANETS IN THE HOUSES OF SOLAR - Daily Astrologist At times this position of the Moon can also suggest a period of sickness for a friend or a relative. My Solar year is only half over, so who knows what else may happen. Im trying to prepare now because I know one can feel the energy 3 months prior to your birthday which means I only have 1 more week to prepare . As Osa mentioned, this year has the same house positions as your natal, but also, the fact that Virgo is rising and the Moon is in the 3rd house sounds like a year where there you might find yourself focusing more on your writing - is this something that you have in mind to move forward on during the year? The Jupiter Return Jupiter returns to its natal position around every 12 years so you have a Jupiter return roughly at age 12, 24, 36, 48 and so on. Welcome, Knowflakes, to Lindaland! June 2018 - The beliefs which p, In order to fully understand the cycle of the Sun in the solar return houses, it will be necessary to follow the Sun's yearly path, which is clockwise, and usually moves through three houses. All significant one on one relationships are found here and for that reason it is often thought of in an almost exclusively romantic context. October 2013 Psychological forces will play a strong role. Major Changes, Major Decisions, Sexual Relationships, Death, Birth, Phases of Life, Insurance, Taxation, Loans, Investments, Inheritance, Crime, Violation, Power. April 2021 Solar Return Mercury Houses - Uranian Goddess So, Im just a bit anxious about my upcoming SR this yr 2013. Solar Return Ascendant Virgo : Your mental or intellectual activity Julia, will increase considerably this year. May 2018 Your sexual activity will intensify but be careful, in this sense, about the possibility of venereal diseases. April 2020 You would probably be doing that no matter what your solar return is like, but this year sounds strong for it. It's 0 on the house cusp between 1st and 2nd. November 2016 Brainstorm: Neptune in the 8th House Astrology Use this interpretation for natal Neptune in the 8th house, transiting Neptune in the 8th house, progressed Neptune in the 8th house, or solar arc Neptune in the 8th house. Birth . As an 8th house person, I can never tire of reading deeper and deeper into the analysis! You may or may not have a planet in your seventh house, but everyone is born with the seventh house in their natal chart. This placement is the single most important indication of a major transition in the solar return chart. February 2012 View all posts by starcrazypie. May 2012 Your Solar Return: A Breakdown. Every year at your birthday you get The ghosts of the past can be exorcised in the Solar Return Twelfth House as this house is as the place you can let go. It doesn't matter if it is conjunct the natal Moon. The Sun in the 3rd house of the solar return emphasizes your intellectual abilities and mental stability or the lack thereof. You will find life easier if you put together what you already know, rather than take in what you find difficult to relate to. The Solar Return Tenth House begins at the apex of your chart and its where your achievements become visible. I pay a lot of attention to the north node, so if my north node is in the 8th house in Cancer, does that mean for my solar year, my growth will be to the 8th house and embracing Cancerian energy? Id heard so many horrendous storiesthough in hindsight, they were mostly from amateur astrologers who knew just enough to assume the worst and then blather about it. The Solar Return Seventh House is where you buddy up. When will I MEET MY SOULMATE Astrology - Best Online Astrology! starcrazypie astrology, Book Launch | Solar Returns: An Introduction. When many of us think about creativity, the tendency is to assume the concept refers only to artistic creativity. One of the main avenues for acquiring new information is through direct communication.. 61 people love it! How else could I see it? The Solar Return Sixth House is where you work. Ill have another Eighth House Sun in a few years and Ill keep in mind that they dont have to spell disasterthey can mean better changes than Ive ever known existed. BTW- I think I forgot to mention that I also will have a new moon in the 8th house on the exact day of my upcoming birthday!!!! You may also have an easier time finding out the truth. You may have to deal with more serious issues and matters, and have to dig deep into people and situations. Start counting those fingers if you dont believe me. With bad aspects, troubles are likely, death in the family, among friends, as a result of which - depression, pessimism. September 2012 Your words give me hope and a sense of relief for the remainder of my Solar year. Solar Return s are one of the best tools of Predictive Astrology we have at our disposal. April 2015 There may be a property inheritance coming your way or the sale of a property. Sample: Planets in Solar Return Report | Cafe Astrology .com The SUN in 8th House of Solar return chart A new pair of contact lenses had big ramifications, too, not just for the sake of appearance but eased my aggravation with reading glasses. A 2nd House year, I think. It sounds very eleventh house to me. You want to expand your life in some way, have new experiences, make improvements and you are prepared to take a risk and do something outside of your usual routine or sphere of experience in order to do so. Short journeys those carried out in your own country rather than overseas are likely to be a feature in a year with a Solar Return Third House emphasis. - Venus in good aspect to Pluto. Im really looking forward to your upcoming articles on the 8th house. Planets in Solar Return Astrologer, Writer, Dream Analyst August 2016 I think I went into the Solar Return year wondering if I was going to discover that Im really a closet lesbian or get a sudden craving for a sex change. So draw the line and move on. Well, when Saturn is present in the eighth house, it may mean a terrible death. Though my birthday is March 3rd, my solar return usually takes place on March 2nd. April 2019 Im not new to the 8th house as my natal chart has 4 planets in the 8th house, but Im not looking forward to this SR. My parents are not in good health which makes me nervous about my upcoming SR. Ive also been single for many, many years so cant imagine it any other way. November 2015 September 2014 Indeed. October 2016 If you live alone and are your sole financial support, .. The First House in an Astrological Chart has always been described as the face you show to the world. Also read, Example Case, If Your Calculations in your Solar return chart Are Correct, When Pluto makes a conjunction to the Moon, MERCURY IN 8TH HOUSE Of Solar Return Astrology chart, Your Yearly VENUS Return chart Aspecting in Jupiter, MARS IN THE 8TH HOUSE Of Solar Return Astrology chart, JUPITER IN THE 8TH HOUSE Of Solar Return Astrology Chart, URANUS IN THE 8TH HOUSE Of Solar Return Astrology Chart, NEPTUNE IN THE 8TH HOUSE Of Solar Return Astrology Chart, PLUTO IN THE 8TH HOUSE Of Solar Return Astrology Chart, How To Use The Solar Return 7th House Of Marriage To Find Your Love life this year, SOLAR RETURN CHART BASIC : from first house to 12 house, The SUN IN 7TH HOUSE Of Solar Return Chart Astrology, The SUN in 4th House in SOLAR RETURN CHART interpretation, SOLAR RETURN CHART : The SUN in 12th House, The SUN in 6th House of SOLAR RETURN CHART, The SUN in 3RD HOUSE in SOLAR RETURN CHART, The SUN in 9th House in yearly Solar Return Chart, The SUN in 5th House in SOLAR RETURN CHART Interpretation. Since the Ascendant is an area of energy manifestation, conditions and environment provide an ideal outlet for events and issues associated with this natal house. Sun in the houses during Solar Return - Nazaudy But I suppose my 2019-2020 year will be an intense one in a good way. However, certain modern-day astrologers have moved away from this line of thinking. July 2017 ( I dont believe Ive ever had a moon either new/full/eclipse on the exact day before) So that will make a total of 7 planets activating my next SR in the 8th! The Part of Fortune in the houses shows the areas of life experience where you can find joy. April 2013 This will be a year where you encounter things foreign to you and that may include people and/or languages. The desire to connect with others can be thwarted by a fear of being hurt and taken advantage of. I frantically moved out of a house I love and into a much smaller place. 8th. March 2012 Up front, I want to remind you of the basics the Planets in your Solar Return Chart tell you What will happen and the Solar Return Houses tell you Where. March 2022 Id ignored dermatologists for years but one visit and a prescription skin regimen and I was doing the very uncharacteristic thing of staring into a mirror for 30 minutes at a time. I have made new friends and become very close to them. The Solar Return Fourth House is where we look after things so its where we cook, clean and grow things (flowers, families, ourselves) and those matters may demand significant amounts of your time and energy if your Solar Return Chart points that way. Letting go of things, attitudes and people which may be hindering my growth feels good. Optimism, World View, Travel, Higher Education, University of Life, Intellectual Development, Understanding, Perspective, Long Distance, Foreigners. Rather unfairly, I think, because of this, the Sixth House has a rather dull and boring reputation. For example, I have a packed 8th with nothing in the 5th. Chiron in the 12th house can indicate either mental illness or psychism. I'd suggest this is a spiritual cleansing. Personally, I only interpret SR charts if I see them with the natal chart. I would have had to travel out of the country to have made any difference with an Eighth House Sun, and it would have adversely affected a lovely stellium (a whole bunch) of planets in my Seventh House of relationships. Public, in the context of this house, is more about social standing than social media. Money close up! Changes to the nature of your work will be shown here as placements in the Solar Return Sixth often give you a snapshot of issues affecting your daily life over the course of the year. But life can get even better. The Solar Return Second House is almost always to do with your personal finances and the resources you have at your disposal during the year. The woman has the danger of a stillborn baby. If you are having major relationship issues or problems with many people, look at your own behavior. Drop your baggage after all, thats why you came here. October 2019 As of a couple of weeks ago, Im now in another 8th house sun year, withlike youa whole bunch of planets in the 8th house. Sun conjunct Uranus in my chart that year but relationships were the only bumpsmost pretty boring except 1 brief one where his daughter/pre-teen princess disapproved of me and he went poof. You will however, find yourself being creative in ways that are relevant in your own life and you will feel a desire to develop your creativity to express who you are. Do You Love Yourself? March 2019 On occasion however, placements in the Solar Return Tenth House can be an indication of marriage, if thats where you are in your life. I feel the worst is over and it can only get better from here. These are transformational issues and you only need to experience them once for your life to change forever there is no turning back. February 2017 His not seeming to care about my financial situation angered me and brought up alot of childhood issues of feeling abandoned and not cared for by him. September 2022 You dont become a different person, the persona shown by your Natal Chart is still there, however it has a temporary overlay which results from changes in how you feel about yourself during the Solar Return Year. Goals established while the Sun is in the 4th will require training, personal reorganization, and individual success to play out on a larger scale. September 2021 If you're an eleventh house native, the eleventh house is an ongoing theme in your life. Unable to let go of control in your life. That might be the neighborhood, that might be something about a particular group they fall into--artists' community or queer community or disabled community, for instance--or, in some cases, they see themselves as a community servant, like someone I know who's started a non-profit to serve at risk youth and directed a couple of others. Hospitals, Drugs, Alcohol, Addiction, Shadows, Physical Therapy, Psychological Therapy, Dreams, Escapism, The Past, Dream Holidays, Beaches, The Sea, Sailing, Undercurrents, Cinema, Music, Dance, Trance, The Soul. I have heard dire warnings from astrologers to consider traveling just to make certain that my Solar Return Sun was either in the Seventh House of relationships and partnerships or in the Ninth House of education and travel. The SUN in 9th House in yearly Solar Return Chart Taurus through the Houses in Astrology - ASTROFIX Satisfying the moon's need to probe and understand can be shifted to worldly issues like politics, psychology or astrology which helps to shift the focus away from the self, and therefore, freeing the eighth-house moon. These traits are often ancestral; the wound itself may even be ancestral. My best bet would have been paris, but with 4 days to go before my SR, that won't happen. (whew!) March 2013 However, its also about your attitudes towards your resources. So, matters such as relocation, house repairs, remodelling and redecoration are found in the Solar Return Fourth House. A medical problem cropped up that had some dire consequences but I found metaphysical ways to deal with it and over the course of the year, it went away.
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