To avoid velocitation on highways and expressways, check your speedometer regularly. The Enterprise sends a laser signal toward the Constitution. The speed posted on a sign that warns you of a curve ahead _____. That means a. Vehicles must frequently cross multiple lanes of traffic when merging, turning, or exiting the road. Reference the internet for recall information. Drive cautiously in the rain as this surface can become extremely slick. (2) The sum of the numbers and percentages is greater than total drivers as more than one factor may be present for the same driver. In New Hampshire, some of the most dangerous intersections include Beech Street and Cilley Road in Manchester, and Main Street and East/West Hollis Street in Nashua. All drugs issued under a prescription _____. These vehicles include buses, heavy trucks, farm vehicles, horse-drawn carts, and ATVs. Be focused and alert to the road and all traffic around you; anticipate what others may do, before they do it. If you experience a blow out in one of your front tires, your vehicle will _____. As a result, high-speed, head-on crashesthe most dangerous kind of collisionsare more likely. Avoid speeding, braking, or steering suddenly or excessively, as this may cause traction loss and lead to a collision. Forbes Advisor found a total of 31.5% of male survey respondents admitted to quick lane switches and other aggressive driving behaviors compared with 21.4% of females. Can the exit of the curve be seen ahead? A shocking 10% of all teenagers in high school admit to drinking and driving, [16] while 17% of high schoolers indicate they have gotten into a car at least once with a driver who has consumed alcohol prior to operating the vehicle. If you plan to enter a driveway on the other side of an intersection, don't start signaling until you've entered the intersection so that other drivers won't assume you're planning to turn. Think about the kinds of roads people drive on: Driving environments are classified as controlled, low, moderate, or complex risk environments according to such factors as: Controlled Risk Environments are places like empty parking lots where a driver can safely operate his or her car without potential conflicts with other drivers. 0000019221 00000 n Perform a U-turn (if permitted by a posted sign) Driving on mountain roads can be especially dangerous. 0000005476 00000 n While collisions are more common on urban roads, fatalities occur more often in rural regions. If you're too tired to make it home safely, find a safe place to rest until you're awake enough to proceed. 0000013677 00000 n Below you will find a list of the top causes of car accidents. More speeding fatalities When driving on rural roads, it's a good idea to have your headlights activated at all hours of the day, as you'll be better able to see concealed hazards and alert other drivers to your presence on the road. While side roads in rural areas can sometimes be seen clearly from a distance due to the lack of obstructions, don't count on noticing drivers about to enter the roadway, especially in hilly areas or areas with crops or dense vegetation. The rhythm that regulates the body's natural wake/sleep cycle is called _____. 0000016539 00000 n At high altitudes, there is less oxygen in the air. Common crash causes include: DUI statistics are frightening. A flashing red "X", which means to prepare to stop. While driving in the city, the busy urban environment can induce _____. 0000499584 00000 n The majority of drivers involved in collisions are people who have a _____ driving record. Limit driving to daytime hours if necessary; Fatigue. Traffic Circles 2023 Forbes Media LLC. It is not safe to drive if you stay awake during _____. Only 5% of cellphone-related crashes occur because the driver is texting. Avoid tailgating and driving in a cluster of vehicles or in another driver's blind spots. Drivers over 55, who represent 25% of all drivers, are involved in approximately_____of collisions. When rural highways pass through small communities, drivers may be distracted by restaurants, grocery or antique stores, gas stations, or local events on the side of the highway. People on site. 0000005294 00000 n Your driving environment changes each time you get behind the wheel - weather, road conditions, your vehicle and other drivers are _____. While found mostly in rural areas, hills and curves pose problems to drivers in all driving environments. On cold days, to prevent moisture from forming on the inside of the glass, _____ before you turn on the defroster. So drivers may yield for them and not the motorcycle. The two are released simultaneously from rest on an incline. Often, these drivers could save time by selecting a spot shortly before arriving at their destination instead of beginning their search only after they've reached it. According to the NHTSA, while only 14,987 fatal collisions occurred in urban areas, there were 17,696 fatal collisions on rural roads in 2013. We'd love to hear from you, please enter your comments. Pay attention to vehicles behind you and maintain a sufficient gap in case you need to stop suddenly. 0000454546 00000 n There were also 1,159,030 injured males compared with 1,122,884 injured females. To drive through a curve: When you combine alcohol with some drugs, the results can be _____. Order the following ions from smallest to largest. Roadside Communities and Gas Stations Inattention and distraction. Abstract. The likelihood of head-on collision is at its greatest on roads with narrow lanes, sharp curves, no separation of lanes of opposing traffic and high volumes of traffic. Motor vehicle crashes are the number _____ cause of death for people ages 3 to 33. On the freeway, maintain a 3 second following distance. Drive slowly through work areas to ensure both your and the workers' safety. Both men and women can be killed or hurt in collisions, but car crash statistics show the risks are not equal among the genders. Apply firm pressure to the brakes as you approach the curve and gradually decrease pressure until you reach the center of the curvebraking sharply once you're in the curve is unsafe Once they're gone, proceed with caution. A lack of _____ is a major factor in traffic crashes. One-way streets are used most commonly in urban areas but can be found in residential and rural areas as well. When driving downhill, large vehicles are at a high risk of brake failure, causing them to rush down the road out of control. A.) The amount of alcohol in your bloodstream is called _____. On rural roads, you're more likely to encounter inconsistent traffic flow due to the presence of various vehicles with different speed restrictions. Pay attention to these lights to make sure you are not traveling in the wrong direction. Drivers looking for an empty parking spot tend to become more likely to disregard the rules of the road and to overreact to a conflict with another driver over a parking space. Accidents that occur on rural roads are more likely to be of a fatal nature in comparison with those on urban roads. You should never drive _____, you should avoid sudden steering and braking, and you should always signal your intention to turn or change lanes. Distracted Driving. Reversible lanes, Center Left Turn Lane The drivers of these vehicles do not have to be licensed and often cannot hear other road users due to the noise of their vehicles. The first is driver error, including distraction, driving under the influence, bad decisions, and fatigue. The majority of drivers involved in collisions are people who have a _____ driving record. These environments are ideal for a new driver to practice operating a car without worrying about typical roadway hazards. Not only will this give you a better view of the road ahead and make it easier for approaching vehicles to see you, but it will also require less steering as you proceed. On average in the U.S., one friend, parent or family member dies every _____ minutes in alcohol related crashes. In total, close to half of all deadly car crashes occur on weekend days including Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. When traffic is too heavy for you to make a left turn, you should slow down or stop in the lane and wait until it is safe for you to proceed. 0000001396 00000 n Whether drivers are too distracted to hit the brakes on time or turn left when they do not have enough time to complete the maneuver, car accidents frequently happen at intersections. Turn on your flashers to help the emergency vehicle. Moreover, fewer intersections tend to be controlled by signs or traffic signals, and the roads are more likely to be used by pedestrians, bicyclists, and joggers, requiring drivers to be more attentive and ready to yield the right-of-way. Delivery truck drivers loading and unloading cargo may walk into your path of travel. However, in West Virginia, drivers had the highest likelihood of hitting an animal. Approximately 1.3 million people die each year as a result of road traffic crashes. At high altitudes, you may develop mild symptoms such as a headache, nausea, or unusual fatigue. [25], There is some good news, though. When another driver travels at erratic speeds, weaves in and out of lanes, and sits in unusual postures, these are indication that the driver _____. Bicyclists, skaters, and skateboarders He has been a rideshare driver since early 2012, having completed hundreds of trips for companies including Uber, Lyft, and Postmates. These lanes help keep the roads from becoming congested when traffic is heaviest. More fatalities in rollover crashes 3 About one-third (32%) involved a pedestrian with a BAC of at least 0.08 g/dL. Another 1,593,390 crashes resulted in injuries and 3,621,681 caused property damage. A total of 46% of deadly accidents in this state occurred due to excess speed. This is because of the difference in the average speed on different roads. 35% of all fatal accidents occur between 6:00 pm and midnight. Traffic circles You are impaired when your ability to operate a vehicle is _____. Heavy traffic conditions often lend themselves to a situation known as Gridlock. Other vehicles violating motorcycle's right-of-way is what causes 2/3 of multiple-vehicle accidents. If you hear or see an emergency vehicle approaching within _____, you must safely pull over to the right-hand edge or curb. Sr2+^{2+}2+, Se2^{2-}2,Br^{-}, Rb+^{+}+. We do not offer financial advice, advisory or brokerage services, nor do we recommend or advise individuals or to buy or sell particular stocks or securities. Southern states tended to be riskier for motorists overall, with South Carolina, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana and North Carolina all found among the 10 highest-risk states for motorists. 1. If you are the only one on the scene of the crash _____. You are able to cross over into the oncoming lane. every 30 minutes B.) Move closer to the center of the lane as you approach the apex (mid-point) of the curve, and move back towards the right edge of the lane as you leave the curve. Nothing, As long as you don't get caught. If there is damage to the vehicle, stop and exchange information. All you need to do is call us at (603) 288-1403 or contact us online to get started today. This information is not intended to create, and receipt 5 These fatal crashes led to 37,461 total fatalities, including 25,096 vehicle occupants, 5,286 motorcyclists, and 7,079 nonoccupants. Many head-on collisions occur on two-lane roads when passing because drivers _____. Older Americans are also a concern behind the wheel, as they may begin to experience delayed reaction time or other cognitive or physical impairments affecting their ability to safely operate vehicles. Identify a gap in traffic. 0000010018 00000 n These lanes are known as Center Left Turn Lanes, and may be referred to on signs as Two-Way Turn Lanes. 1. According to the U.S. Census, 19% of the U.S. population lives in rural areas. Always _____ others who are already in the intersection. Before you have work done on your vehicle, _____. What is the lane width? What Is The Best Defensive Driving Course? To avoid being blocked or blocking others, enter the lane as close as possible to the turn you intend to make. September 3rd is a close second in terms of deadliness, with an average of 128 fatal crashes occurring each year on that date.[7]. If you must proceed, drive slowly and remain on the right side of the right lane so other vehicles can pass. Yield to any pedestrians on the sidewalk and any traffic using the roadway. She earned her JD from UCLA School of Law and was an adjunct professor at the start of her career, teaching paralegal studies and related courses. If you encounter a herd of animals on a highway, stop and let the animals cross. After you start your vehicle, and as you begin to drive, always check your _____. One of the most important things you should do before you leave the lot with a rental car is _____. There is wide variation in the number of fatalities occurring across the U.S. Get Your Free Consultation From a Lawyer Near You. 0000015206 00000 n While driving in residential neighborhoods is generally not as dangerous as driving in urban environments, you must still drive attentively and look out for hazards. When driving on mountain roads, make sure you choose a safe speed for current conditions. But do accidents happen more regularly on certain days of the week? Occasionally, one or more lanes on a roadway will be designated as reversible because the flow of traffic in that area tends to be significantly heavier in one direction at some times of the day and heavier in the other direction at others. Are there any restrictions to your line of sight? For nonfatal accidents, more than half (52%) occur within 5 miles of the home, and around 77% take place within 15 miles of a drivers home. On rural roads, it's easy to start thinking that you're driving more slowly than you actually are due to a condition known as Velocitation. A total of 88,107 motorcycle accidents occurred in the U.S. in 2020, 82,528 of which resulted in injury. In 2016, there were 34,439 police-reported fatal car accidents - a 5.8 percent increase from 2015. Undoubtedly, distracted driving is the number one cause of car accidents. When driving in the city, _____ may help you avoid traffic, but they may not be as safe or they may increase your travel time because of traffic control lights. Our motor vehicle collision lawyers have recently negotiated the following settlements: 1 million dollars in a rideshare accident claim that killed a Florida father 5 million dollars for a car accident client with burn injuries 425 thousand for an auto accident client with a lower back injury In 2020, a total of 35,766 fatal motor vehicle accidents occurred on U.S. Every vehicle operated on your state roadways must be covered by _____ insurance through a company that is authorized to do business in your state. Turning vehicles. The number of gun suicides has also risen in recent years - climbing 10% over five years and 25% over 10 years - and is near its highest point on record. Despite the risks associated with newly-licensed motorists, slightly older drivers--those between the ages of 25 and 34--are actually the demographic group most likely to be killed or hurt in motor vehicle accidents.[15]. _____ hours awake = same effect as .07 blood alcohol concentration. If the vehicle has to stop at the top of the hill, you could be endangered if you're driving too close. 15. Dismiss Traffic Ticket Reduce Points on Your Driving Record Lower Insurance Premium Hikes Fast & Easy-100% Online. A flashing arrow may also be used to tell you to move left or right. Be especially careful at night, as rural roads tend to be poorly lit. Both 4-door sedans and station wagons were especially prevalent among vehicles involved in fatal crashes, accounting for 14,822 and 2,149 deadly collisions respectively. When driving on a one-way street with multiple lanes, always choose the lane the poses the fewest obstacles. In some areas, mud or dirt from heavy trucks or other equipment may build up on the road surface. Light trucks have a high center of gravity which increases their susceptibility to _____. Adjusting your speed and space based on your visibility. Montana saw 213 car accident deaths in 2020 and is the most dangerous state for drivers. Not all roads in the highway transportation system are the same. A National Sleep Foundation poll says 60% of adults have driven while they were tired, and another 37%, or 103 million people, have fallen asleep at the wheel. 0000037134 00000 n One way to control distractions is to _____. If you suffered an injury in a car accident, it is important to understand what caused your crash, so you can use this to obtain maximum compensation.Each type of car accident is different and requires a different type of investigation. Categories Keep Your Worries Away Contact Our Team Today First Name Last Name Phone Email There are two broad categories of causes when it comes to fault for car accidents. 10,729 people were killed or seriously injured in accidents reported to the police on country roads in 2017. Many collisions become more serious when driver _____. Driving uphill is also associated with the risk of vehicle failure. Remember that you can improve your visibility on hilly or curvy roads by keeping your headlights activated at all times. Since hospital and trauma centers are farther away, people injured in a crash are less likely to survive. But younger drivers face a great risk in part due to inexperience and increased risk taking, Car accidents are common among motorists and passengers under the age of 20. To turn left in heavy traffic using the shared lane, enter the lane, slow down or stop until an adequate gap is available, and complete the turn when oncoming traffic is clear. Never use this lane as a regular driving lane or a passing lane. [5], Seatbelts save lives. Avoid alcohol and minimize the amount of caffeine you consume. Aggressive driving can be defined as operating a vehicle in a manner that is likely to _____. Meeting slow-moving vehicles Overall, its perfect for everyone who doesnt want to go overboard in any direction. 5.8 Financial Responsibility, Insurance, and, Fundamentals of Engineering Economic Analysis, David Besanko, Mark Shanley, Scott Schaefer, Fox and McDonald's Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, Alan T. McDonald, John C Leylegian, John W Mitchell, Philip J. Pritchard, Rajesh Bhaskaran, Robert W Fox, TB 95 - Flow Mix Model 500 Class "A" Foam, Exam 5: Chapter 28 - Fatty Acid Synthesis. Does the curve turn to the left or the right? With over 140 years of collective legal experience and offices in Portsmouth and Concord, we have been serving the state since 1997. In this situation, it's preferable to approach the curve in Lane Position 2 (near the centerline) to make it easier for you to see the road ahead and for other drivers to see you. Watch for yellow animal crossing signs and search for wild animals on rural roads, as wildlife that tends to live in these areas will frequently enter the roadway. Large commercial vehicles, including garbage trucks, maintenance trucks, and delivery trucks casualties from car crashes happened in urban areas, as well as 60 percent of total bicyclist fatalities. You cannot pass or cross over into the oncoming, iDriveSafely Answers: Level Assessment + Final Exam, Texas Allows You To Take All Traffic Schools Online (Best Options), Texas Defensive Driving Course Online Save Money And Time, The Top 4 Best Online Traffic Schools in California For 2023, Florida Online Traffic School for Teen Drivers, FICO Safe Driving Score Could Change the Way We Drive, Why Online Driving Schools Are The Best New Option, Made A Mistake?
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