When Odysseus commands his men to go back to sea to voyage, he is a good leader because he is telling his men what to do. She tells Odysseus to abandon his raft and take her immortal scarf. our extensive database of written samples to find the inspiration or research youre looking Od. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. ", "Show me the way to town, give me a rag for cover, just some cloth, some wrapper you carried with you here. Stripped of his pride and dignity, a naked shipwrecked Odysseus begs Phaeacian princess Nausicaa for help. 1 / 9. After that, he stays equally as strong when faced with Poseidons anger and the journey ahead of him. Odysseus must fight monsters, Cyclopes and more . 16 students ordered this very topic and got original papers. eNotes Editorial, 7 Oct. 2019, https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/what-quotes-show-how-odysseus-is-a-good-leader-1948083. You can get your custom paper by one of our expert writers. While intelligence is highly respected, occasionally there isnt much you can do to avoid situations, and you just have to accept your. Let's start by finding a writer. In a culture that equally values wisdom and physical prowess, Odysseus can hold his own. How true to life, all too true . Odysseus Loyalty Quotes - 868 Words | Studymode The Odyssey, Book 5, lines 167-172. He looks terrifying to the Phaeacian princess Nausicaa and her handmaids as he approaches them. I can help you save hours on your homework. This essay has been submitted by a student. The examples that will presented will illustrate that Odysseus hubris, risk taking prowess, and at times unwillingness to follow instructions often placed his crew in danger as he journeyed Ithaca. Straight forward they sprinted, lifted it and rammed it deep in his eye chater (Hom. Words 181. Beset by vengeful gods and facing many challenges, Odysseus has lost nearly everything, but his ultimate goal has remained unwavering. He then grabbed one of Odysseus' men "and made his meal, gaping and crunching like a mountain lion-everything: innards, flesh, and marrow bones" on him without regret. Yes, the terribly challenging circumstances in narrative in which the Odysseus finds himself is a challenge of courage and heroism of which very few would willingly volunteer. When he realizes his men are in danger, he is confident in an escape plan and taking the risks to go through with it. A professional writer will make a clear, mistake-free paper for you! Their own best claim to glory.". Odysseus Hero Quotes - 1017 Words | 123 Help Me But when the other [Menelaos] drove to his feet, resourceful Odysseus,he would just stand and stare down, eyes fixed on the ground beneath him,nor would he gesture with the staff backward and forward, but hold itclutched hard in front of him, like any man who knows nothing.Yes, you would call him a sullen man, and a fool likewise.But when he let the great voice go from his chest, and the words camedrifting down like the winter snows, then no other mortalman beside could stand up against Odysseus. Odysseus led the squadron of soldiers in the trojan horse and is a hero of the Trojan War and the king of Ithaca. When the Cyclops comes upon to see that Odysseus and part of his crew members were munching down on his cheese he was frustrated. Therefore, he warned Amphinomus to leave his house before the final battle took place. Before leading the mission to blind Polyphemus, Odysseus even considered attacking the Cyclops himself. There is a strong theme of homecoming in The Odyssey, with Odysseus on a long, perious journey home after the end of the Trojan War. The Odyssey, Book 5, lines 476-478. Atlas daughter it is who holds Odysseus captive, luckless man despite his tears, forever trying to spellbind his heart with suave, seductive words and wipe all thought of Ithaca from his mind. Read More DO INSTILL CONFIDENCE IN YOUR SUBORDINATES: The men became terrified when they saw smoke of white water and heard loud sounds of water. According to Helen's description, Odysseus is the son of Laertes (a well-respected . ", "No one, no Achaean labored hard as Odysseus labored or achieved so much. That is the gods' work, spinning threads of death through the lives of mortal men, and all to make a song for those to come." Alcinous, 8.647-651 And now, look, it all comes to pass. This example has been uploaded by a student. ", "Three, four times blessed, my friends-in-arms who died on the plains of Troy those years ago, serving the sons of Atreus to the end. He is a man who inspires others to do the right thing by speaking well and wisely, even though he has not yet had his own experience with suffering or loss. For example, Odysseus wisely told the Cyclops his name was noman so that he could not properly call out for help once he was impaled. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. When Odysseus and his men are stuck in Polyphemus's cave Odysseus tricks him into drinking a lot of wine so he falls asleep so they can make a plan to get out alive. Like pebbles stuck in the suckers of some octopus dragged from its lair so strips of skin torn from his clawing hands stuck to the rock face. Especially among Gods and Goddesses. After this victory, they decided to stay on the island a little bit longer to celebrate. This essay proves that an epic hero is not only a personification of that culture but also the best version of that culture. Even immortal gods will show a man respect, whatever wanderer seeks their help like me I throw myself on your mercy, on your current now I have suffered greatly. We will occasionally send you account related emails. She says that he is being held captive on an island by the goddess Calypso, who is trying to wipe out all thoughts of his homeland. The Iliad is not Odysseus's story; however, he is certainly an integral part of what happens in it. You can find some excellent answers on these topics in the eNotes links below, which can help guide you in your studies. He is favored by the gods and respected and admired by the mortals. Important Quotes from The Odyssey - Study.com Odysseus' sharp wit distinguishes him from other heroes of his era, who only use strength to overpower their enemies. Get your custom essay. So with his lordly ways he brought the ranks to heel, and they flocked back from their huts and ships to the Assembly, noisily, like a wave of the roaring sea when it thunders on the beach while the depths resound. Next, the group was stranded on Circes island and his men were turned into animals by the goddess. 50-54). I fear wild beasts will drag me off as quarry.". Athena tells Telemachus that Odysseus is alive and being held captive on a faraway island. Odysseus takes Agamemnon's scepter and does this: [W]hen he came upon some common soldier shouting, he drove him back with the sceptre and rebuked him: "Sit, man, and hear the words of better men than you; you are weak and lack courage, worthless in war or counsel. This shows how Odysseus came up with a brilliant plan to hide in between the Cyclops rams and escape with the rams when the Cyclops let them out. Odysseus, in his apathy with regard to the crisis, did not want to have to manage his crew's fear. Odysseus and his crew robbed and killed them on their island. Homer portrayed Odysseus as a man of outstanding wisdom and shrewdness, eloquence, resourcefulness, courage, and endurance. But they themselves- in their depravity- design grief greater than the griefs that fate assigns." Homer, The Odyssey 228 likes Like "Ah how shameless - the way these mortals blame the gods. He remembers Calypsos prophecy about the painful journey home he would have. ", "what a heart that fearless Odysseus had inside him! What are some good quotes about Odysseus being a hero who thinks things En route, they unknowingly stopped at the island of the Cyclopes to gather supplies for their long journey home. (Hom. . Odysseus is visited by Athena and reminded of the losses the army has already suffered; leaving now would make those deaths a waste rather than a sacrifice. Let us know your assignment type and we'll make sure to get you exactly the kind of answer you need. 380-381). 260). We can write you a custom essay that will follow your exact instructions and meet the deadlines. Lord Poseidon, I trust, will let his anger go. His quick and impractical decision eventually led to death among his men. Moreover, after Odysseus and his men fight the Cicones, he orders Back and Quickly! He is being a leader by protecting his men from the Ciccone 's army by leaving before reinforcements come. Already a member? Odysseus Is An Epic Hero Quotes - Term Paper - TermPaper Warehouse Not only that, but he does not expect of his men what he is not willing to do himself. The goddess and nymph Calypso keeps Odysseus as a sex slave on her island of Ogygia for seven years. Odysseus is meeting with Tiresias (a blind prophet) to learn his future. Accessed 5 Mar. "Man of misery, what next? Odysseus barely managed to escape this, but his actions put him and his crew at a huge risk. He is a valiant warrior, but he is most known for his skills as a wise orator as well as his wiliness (craftiness, slyness) in using words to make things happen. Throughout the Odyssey, Odysseus a prominent Greek epic hero is on a quest . The Odyssey Quotes and Analysis "Tell me, why do you weep and grieve so sorely when you hear the fate of the Argives, hear the fall of Troy? The fate of Odysseus is being controlled by a vengeful Poseidon, angered at the blinding of his son, Zeus acknowledges. Odysseus is the only person survive from his expedition why because he did not properly protect his shipmates.Let me read this quote "Driven by hunger they ignore Odysseus' warning and eat Helios' cattle". A great leader views the world like he is looking through 3D glasses, always seeing the depth and vibrancy of the possibilities around him. Let's fix your grades together! How can he stand his ground against the will of all the gods at once one god alone? The Odyssey Quotes | Explanations with Page Numbers | LitCharts Odysseus was a weak leader and his lack of vision in not seeing the strength and possibilities in his men combined with his inability to effectively communicate to those around him ultimately led to his failure of not being able to safely deliver his men back to Ithaca. on the headland, sitting, still, weeping, his eyes never dry, his sweet life flowing away with the tears he wept for his foiled journey home, since the nymph no longer pleased. He is a thinker and he is a hero, and we see these attributes whenever we read about him. In the Odyssey it is made clear that the choice of Mentor is entirely governed by Odysseus, who makes the decision when Telemachus is still an infant. Using a metaphor, Nestor compares the siege of Troy by the Greeks to a spider weaving a web. Often mortals will turn to the gods to help them achieve justice, and fear of divine . Quotes in Odyssey with Examples and Analysis - Literary Devices The Odyssey Quotes and Analysis | GradeSaver Nevertheless, heroes rules and commands are respected by their followers and it shows excellent leadership, yet this does not the speak to Odysseus. However, Odysseus did not disclose any information to his crew. "What quotes show how Odysseus is a good leader?" Menelaus tells the story of the Trojan Horse, which enabled the Greeks to trick the defenders of Troy and take the city after a fruitless ten-year siege. Scylla was a huge monster that had twelve large legs like tentacles and 6 heads with fangs. ", She pitied Odysseus, tossed, tormented so she broke from the waves like a shearwater on the wing, lit on the wreck and asked him kindly, "Ah poor man, why is the god of earthquakes so dead set against you? The Odyssey, Book 6, lines 142-153. The Odyssey, Book 5, lines 479-482. What power we had! Noman is my name, and Noman they call me, and my father and my mother and all my fellows. When I had done this I hid it under dung, which was lying about all over the cave, and told the men to cast lots which of them should venture along with myself to lift it and bore it into the monster's eye while he was asleep. In this situation, He was able to use the "magic" inside his head to create this plan that uses his masculinity to escape the cave of Polyphemus. Penelope is the wife of Odysseus; she does not remarry while he is away. If you fit this description, you can use our free essay samples to generate ideas, get inspired and figure out a title or outline for your paper. Quotes That Show Courage In Odysseus | ipl.org A heavy sea covered him over, then and there unlucky Odysseus would have met his death against the will of Fate but the bright-eyed one inspired him yet again. Early in the poem we are informed that Odysseus had chosen one of his friends to be the overseer of his family and property. (Page 19, lines 337-340). When Odysseus and his men go to the island of the Cyclopes, they discover a cave that Odysseus wants to explore. 25 of the best book quotes from Odyssey 01 Share "So, surrender to sleep at last. While Odysseus longs to return to his wife Penelope in Ithaca, the bewitching goddess Calypso holds him back. In the first place, Odysseus demonstrates his ability to be a good leader by being strong with everything he goes through during the epic. What are the challenges that Odysseus had to face on his journey home? True, but he is the one more blest than all other men alive, that man who sways you with gifts and leads you home, his bride! A bad leader is like a cyclops wearing an eyepatch, never able to see his mighty hand in front of his own face. The Cyclops had a great club which was lying near one of the sheep pens; it was of green olive wood, and he had cut it intending to use it for a staff as soon as it should be dry. Odysseus is a combination of the self-made, self-assured man and the embodiment of the standards and mores of his culture. The first main trait that demonstrates Odysseus is a worthy leader is his optimistic approach to the difficult tasks both he and his men faced during their adventure. Stranded on the shore of Phaeacia, Odysseus debates where the safest place to sleep is. Even if Odysseus fought in the Trojan War, he is not a hero because he is self-centered and ignorant to other people's values and needs.There are multiple examples of Odysseus being self-centered, such as not taking people's advice. But not in the convoy of the gods or mortal men. Important Odyssey Quotes Explained | Literature Guides - Ivypanda Ultimately Odysseus can be a good leader but behind the scenes, he's not. Related. Enumerate the epic conventions that you can find in books 1 and 2 of the Iliad? An epic simile compares his delight to the joy of children when the gods deliver their father from serious illness. In the Odyssey, Odysseus states, I tied them [rams] silently together then slung a man under each middle one to ride there safely, shielded left and right. He neglected to tell them anything, which resulted in 6 of his men being eaten. The Cicones in The Odyssey: Homer's Example of Karmic Retribution The Odyssey, Book 5, lines 236-246. ", "and no one knew him at all I alone, I spotted him for the man he was. Consequently, this gives him experience when it comes acting in difficult situations. Don't use plagiarized sources. Because of the horrors he has experienced, he worries about what kind of people he has landed among, whether they are savage or friendly to strangers. Odysseus knew that he would encounter this monster because Circe warned him about her. On the Cicones Island, even though he didn't make much attempt to make his men leave and his lack of . Joywarm as the joy that children feel when they see their fathers life dawn again, one whos lain on a sickbed racked with torment, wasting away, slowly, under some angry powers onslaught then what joy when the gods deliver him from his pains! Also, Odysseus is evidently clever when devising the escape plan from the Cyclops' cave.
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