She lives with her teens in her country home, while Andy lives with his 2 teens in his city triplex. Cinematographer Jabzz Mhlanga and his . She wants a more open concept but out in the, country. A woman struggled with the layout of her husbands home from the start, and now with two kids, shes done with the dated and cramped space. At the time the house felt massive but now that their daughters are teenagers and Amandas career has taken off, the house no longer works. Taylor is a Hip Hop artist and Whitney has a vintage furniture rehab company and they both use the same cramped office, right next to their infant sons room. With huge hopes, but tiny budgets, Hilary and David duke it out to find this family some long sought after peace of mind. The house seemed perfect, Mary and Morgan bought an idyllic but quirky house near a lake that was perfect for the two of them. This is a Raise the Roof Production for Channel 4. For the last 16 years she has been living in what still feels like Bobs bachelor pad. There have been several complaints that the series is scripted, so let us examine them one at a time. Desperate to accommodate their ever changing family without losing their beloved location, David and Hilary will have to work over time if they hope to unite this conflicted couple under the same over-sized roof. Scott has owned this house since he was a young man. With the clock ticking down, Hilary and David are in a mad dash to deliver a family sized solution. When Kelly and Colin first purchased their 1200 square foot urban home, it was in the right place at the right time, but 9 years and 3 kids later, Colins opinion of compact, busy urban living has changed prompting the battle of city versus suburb. Can Hilary transform their homestead? When Brad and Laura McMinns moved to their suburban home seven years ago, they knew the three bedroom house had room for their family of four. brick home with a lot of charm, but within months of moving in learned the house needed After selling the house to relocate, the couple had the opportunity to buy it back years later when they returned to the area. Like Renovation Island, Love It or List It actually began as a Canadian series, and filming took place in Ontario. Will Hilary be able to tackle the monumental task of creating the bedrooms the Mitchells so badly require or will David find a home that already fits this growing family? After buying this massive, but dated house, Josh believed they could fix it up and make it an incredible place for the whole family for decades to come. As well, the kitchen is overloaded from the demands of creating multiple meals every day to cater to everyones specific needs. 19 seasons. Mary and Chris love their neighborhood but the dysfunctional footprint is driving Mary crazy. Junior sees nothing but years of headaches to convert what used to be apartments into a functioning single family home, while Becky refuses to walk away from a huge house in the perfect location without seeing it reach its true potential. And their son and a daughter are having a battle of the sexes sharing a bedroom. Amanda is ready to go; there are not enough closets and bathrooms, and there is no privacy to work, as her office is currently in the living room and everyone uses her desk. Hilary and her team reconfigure the home while David looks for houses with the character they love and room they need. Can Hilary redesign their space to make it work? About this show. Hilary updates a couple's vintage home while David tempts them with a pool.Subscribe out our . Michael and Becky loved their sizeable lot and house when they first purchased it six years ago. Muscular Dystrophy. The task is a big one for Hilary, while David has the enviable position of just finding them a three unit, finished house in any neighbourhood but their own. David must find a better-functioning house within their neighborhood, while Hilary is tasked with making the most of an unfinished basement. Their two daughters have started pleading for their own bedrooms, and the basement has been an albatross around their neck for seven years, as continuous construction problems kept them from creating the space they so desperately need. Can Hilary finally fix the decades of decay and return this home to its former glory? As a refresher, Love It or List It focuses on couples who no longer feel fulfilled by their home. But despite the desperate lack of bedrooms and bathrooms, not to mention a chopped up main floor that cant accommodate their ever growing extended family, Rick believes his house is where they belong and hes willing to do anything to prove it. Can Hilary create a functional kitchen for the Prestons and give the girls the space they need or will David convince the family that a more modern home is the best way to go? It was perfect until their second child joined the family and now Brandi realizes how many mistakes they made in the original floor plan, Sisters Catherine and Hagen lead very separate lives in their tiny 1,300 square foot bungalow. Can Hilary re-imagine the main floor to prove to him this home can work? Season 11, Episode 11, "A Couple Is Torn Between Fixing Up Their Home in the City or . Its cluttered, has a tiny, inefficient kitchen, and an unfinished basement. Hilary Farr and David Visentin will face off in eight new episodes of "Love It or List It." The HGTV series premieres on Monday, September 12, 2022, at 9 p.m. Eastern and Pacific times. Can they stay in their crumbling house? Life is about to get even more hectic with baby number four on the way, and Phil feels their three-bedroom house can barely contain the family as it is. Three years ago Kira and Andrew Thomson bought their cozy three bedroom home. Over a decade and two active, teenaged kids later, theyre still there and struggling with the tiny cramped spaces more than ever. The market was so crazy that they made a fast purchasing decision, but now three kids later Lisa has buyers regret, Opposites sometimes do attract. Manh feels the house is lucky and thinks a renovation is the answer to their problems. Realizing that the house has some major flaws, Ryan wants to pack up and find a place that is perfect, but Sarah has become attached to this house and has no intention of moving. Or can David find the layout that will add up to easy living for all? It took more than a year of court appearances, but Deena, Sully, and Big Coat TV ultimately settled out of court. over again by reinventing many of the homes hotly debated spaces? LaShawn is desperate for a home with more spaceand better function for her family; Lola, however, has no plans of uprooting again, after having just moved in. Or will David find them a house that they can happily call home? Hilary must create a space for the kids hockey-related activities and David must find a home with a lot large enough to accommodate a hockey rink. But bringing in Hilary to clear the clutter and David to hunt for greener pastures only proves to divide this family more as they battle it out to provide this Natalie and Brandon with some much needed breathing space. Will Hilarys renovations be able to wow this family into staying or will David take them away to a larger home that meets all the Feng Shui criteria? She never wants to leave. Or can David convince Bob to leave his beloved bachelor pad behind? Now expecting their first child,, Stefanie and Jonathan are incredibly busy raising their two-year-old twin daughters and are missing the full time, live in help they used to have from Jonathans mother, Cindy. He hopes that Hilary can make this all-original home feel new again, while shes excited by the possibilities David has to offer. Naturopathic doctor Leslie loves her home while businessman Dustin cant see the value in staying there. Will designer Hilary transform this home to create all the family function Tyler believes it can have, or will realtor David find them the move in space Kim knows this family needs? His house is a triplex with tenants and needs to be converted to a family home. With their third baby due any day and nowhere to put it the Douglas family is desperate for a domestic do-over. They knew that they bought in a prime neighborhood and William loved the house until the reality of three growing boys sunk in, Empty nesters, Ken and Lori disagree on whether to improve their current house to make it more welcoming and functional for their kids and grandkids visiting more often or to find a new house that would be smaller and easier to maintain, Brian and Dana purchased their home seven years ago when they had just one son. But after living in constant construction for several years, Emilee is ready to move. Rory, however, thinks they made a big mistake. Episode 50127: YJ & Michael. Can David find them a home that combines the gorgeous land they desire outside with the family ready spaces they need inside, or will Hilary show them that their house is ready for their family filled future by reinventing many of its highly debated spaces? The couple watched as the house transformed from a bungalow to two stories and hoped it would come up for sale. Anna Wade and Andrew moved their young family just a few houses down from Andrews best friend in an ideal neighborhood. 11. Greg however is not ready to part with all his fathers hard work. Season 14 . Mason and Shannon moved into their 2,000 square foot home in a neighborhood perfect to raise their young son, Luke. But one decade and 2 growing kids later, Siobhan and Duncan no longer see eye to eye on their tiny home. He met Catherine when she was a renting tenant, and they fell in love here. Can Hilary convince Georgia her home is worth a second look? Rod is dodging toys in his basement office space and Jennifer would love the ability to relax in her old and tired en suite bathtub at the end of a hectic day. Mary-Jo and Glen are at odds over their 1930s farm house. Will David find them a functioning home without the to do list or will Hilary make them fall in love all over again by reinventing many of the homes hotly debated spaces? Can Hilary resuscitate the love for the seemingly unreachable Rita? With borderline budgets, and lofty lists, can Hilary bring back the love to make Ryan see a future here or will David save the day with a suitable family space? The question is, will Hillary be able to convert this former bachelor pad into a fully functioning home for Jennifer or will David find the perfect home that finally will convince Rod its time to go. Can Hilary still deliver after a design detail the family neglected to inform her of is thrown at her at the 11th hour? For John, this house is too big, too dark and way too difficult to maintain. But when Hilary is forced to remove half their house, she opens a Pandoras Box of rot related renovations leaving the Adamidis looking to David to find a house that somehow bridges function, feelings and finance. Jamie on the other hand doesnt think they have time to invest in finding a home as good as their current bungalow. Or will designer Hilary make daily life immeasurably easier by reinventing many of the homes hotly debated spaces? Stephanie wants to move to a larger home to raise Bella and hopefully more children, but handyman Chris wants to fix this place up and stay. Sachi and Cam purchased their lakeside home sight unseen while living on the other side of the continent. Will designer Hilary transform this home to create all the oversized family function Jennifer believes it can have, or will realtor David provide all the hassle free space Vince knows this family needs in a search for a new home?
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