Perhaps it is because of envyI, too, crave enchantment. So that was one thing in your favor. I worried about rash decisions. Why hadnt I thought of that? In an effort to reduce her anxiety, I urged moderation and suggested she approach sex with less drastic steps: for example, by spending time talking to men; by educating herself about such topics as sexual anatomy, sexual mechanics, and masturbation. Ive always found it difficult to treat someone with so little curiosity. As she touched up her lipstick she told me that Matthew would arrive in a minute or two, precisely on time. Marvin was beginning to astonish me. But Im not sure. She was a multiple personality whose two personae (whom I shall call Blush and Brazen) waged a deceitful war against each other. On the basis of data patients choose to provide about events taking place long before, therapists routinely believe they can reconstruct a life: that they can discover the crucial events of the early developmental years, the real nature of the relationship with each parent, the relationship between the parents, between the siblings, the family system, the inner experience accompanying the frights and bruises of early life, the texture of childhood and adolescent friendships. It reminds me of the strong feeling youve often expressed of never belonging anywhere. She just stared at me. Thelma thought about him continuously, not an hour passing without some prolonged fantasy about him. Bettys father had died of cancer when she was twelve, and since then she had been terrified of the disease. moineau signification spirituelle. I believe youre operating in the having to mode right now. The group would be angered and accuse him of playing games with them. I didnt even think of asking to walk her to the car!, The things you pick to beat yourself up about! The waiter is never there when you want him. Brief Summary of Book: Love's Executioner and Other Tales of Psychotherapy by Irvin D. Yalom. Did things just work out that way? What do you mean?, My sex drive has always been too strong. So you never really belonged anywhere, never were truly at home. I think of what you told me about your bed in your aunts housethat cot youd unfold every night in the living room., The last to sleep, the first to rise. What would I do with the letters then? She had given me the warning she wanted, and now she leaned back in her chair. And those shots of the California coast. I reminded him now of that metaphor. Ive gotten my moneys worth today. I feel like nothing, no one. But what? She was fiercely determined to evolve and to succeed in the genteel world. But were an explanation demanded of me, I suppose I could point to the family of fat, controlling women, includingfeaturingmy mother, who peopled my early life. We were lying on the dance floor having sex. How could it be otherwise?, I said this because often the best way to prevent a calamitous reaction is to predict it. I absolutely do not know. I feel like an amputation has taken place. It feels scary, like Ill need you too much. It was gratifying to him that I had seen him performing so competently and efficiently. She was the brilliant, beautiful director who had created this film. As I had expected, Thelma did not keep her next appointment three weeks later. Patients need to have faith that their therapists face and resolve their personal problems. I wished I had a brown paper bag for him to breathe into but, lacking that old folk remedy (as good as any other for counteracting hyperventilation), I tried to talk him down. Sometimes the dreams, like the first ones, were frightening expressions of ontological anxiety; sometimes they foreshadowed things to come in therapy; sometimes they were like subtitles to therapy, providing a vivid translation of Marvins cautious statements to me. Looking back now on this interchange, I see much sophistry in my words. Penny knew that next time around she would be luckierperhaps richer. Im talking about now and about how you cannot live life because you continually replay past history over and over. You fell in love with Matthew because of what he represented to you: someone who would love you totally and unconditionally; who would be entirely devoted to your welfare, to your comfort and growth; who would undo your aging and love you as the young, beautiful Sonia; who provided you the opportunity to escape the pain of being separate and offered you the bliss of selfless merger. I worked Saturdays and Sundays. You did express some of your real sexual feelings. Perhaps on a first meeting, guards are down; perhaps one has not yet determined what persona to don. , and transcribed the notes I had made in my passport in the confessional for Three Unopened Letters. I wrote Two Smiles and Do Not Go Gentle in Hawaii and the remaining stories in Paris, most of them in a caf down the street from the Pantheon. More than anything else, I place high value on the therapists presence and engagement in the therapy process, but now I noted that the relationship between Saul and me was full of concealmentmine no less than his. Now he took out his notepad and began to read a series of dreams:Phyllis was distraught that she hadnt been good to me. He could neither escape nor reincarcerate them by closing the jammed door. Details are wonderful. Transference - feelings that the patient attaches to the therapist that originated out of earlier relationships. She was severely handicapped. I thought I had known him well a week, a month, six months before. Remember how great you felt about yourself two weeks ago? I thought thats the way I, too, will pass. And now she found that Jim had been lying to her and not making his payments. In fact, of the twenty-eight geriatric subjects involved in this study, she had the most positive outcome. Furthermore, I have always found that responsible neophyte therapists who convey their sense of curiosity and enthusiasm often form excellent therapeutic relationships and can be as effective as a seasoned professional. Of coursesoul, not sole! Obviously he had rehearsed this material beforehand. At the next meeting, Dave related a powerful dream he had had the night after the previous session. When I handed her an ashtray, she lit up and, in a strong deep voice, began: I need to talk, all right, but I cant afford therapy. Though the word responsible may be used in a variety of ways, I prefer Sartres definition: to be responsible is to be the author of, each of us being thus the author of his or her own life design. I dont believe, I simply cant believe that Matthew really cares about what happens to me. Her words were directed neither to Matthew nor to me but to some point between us in the room. Penny was a survivor. I had long before decided not to take the baitnot to follow her into the hypnoidal statebut instead would call her out of it. Ive never told that story to anyone. I know I need to be seen, I cant manage without it. I woke up extremely frightened. I knew that there was rich material here. But Ill be honest with youit makes a lot of sense and I probably will do it. They been nothing but trouble. I still cant get it out of my mind.. Though she, Mike, and I shared an hour, each of us had a vastly different, and unpredictable, experience. Thelma, how can you even consider that? Yes, I admit it, a part of me was rooting for Marie to give Mike a hard time: Come on, Marie, do your stuff!. I owe a great debt to the ten patients who grace these pages. Though I feel proud of this book, I have regrets about one storyFat Lady. Several obese women have e-mailed me that my words seriously offended them, and today I would probably not be so insensitive. The wrong one died. Yaloms tone manages to be both enjoyable on a literary level and enlightening on a professional level. Articles Find articles in journals, magazines, newspapers, and more; Catalog Explore books, music, movies, and more; Databases Locate databases by title and description; Journals Find journal titles; UWDC Discover digital collections, images, sound recordings, and more; Website Find information on spaces, staff, services, and more . Absolutely nothing. You do not need to point out that the statement he just made regarding his patient might be egotistical or potentially inaccurate. As you seeshe ran her fingers through her uncombed hairI no longer tend to my appearance.. She had never helped Chrissie talk about her fears and her feelings. Ignoring my gambit, he responded that Thelma had always been a good wife and that perhaps he had aggravated her problem by being on the go and traveling too much. "Four givens are particularly relevant for psycho-therapy: the inevitability of death for each of us and for those we love; the freedom to make our lives as we will; our ultimate aloneness; and, finally, the absence of any obvious meaning or sense to life." Irvin D. Yalom, quote from Love's Executioner: & Other Tales of Psychotherapy What a time to stopin the midst of work on important issues and with Betty still camped outside the one-hundred-fifty-pound roadblock! (Later we were to explore, also with minimal impact, the reverse of that formulathat it was because of the impoverishment of her life that she embraced the obsession in the first place.). To yield to her now would render me absolutely ineffective. In other words, our awareness of death can throw a different perspective on life and incite us to rearrange our priorities. Only now, when she was approaching a weight when sexual invitations might materialize, only now when her dreams teemed with menacing male figures (a masked doctor plunging a large hypodermic needle into her abdomen, a leering man peeling the scab off a large abdominal wound), did she recognize that she was very frightened of sex. The author sets out to discover the real Flaubert, the flesh-and-blood man behind the public image. Youve done a helluva good job with her. That needy part of me did not act in Maries best interests. We talked about her widowhood, her changed social role, her fear of being alone, her sadness at never being physically touched. She had perceived how critically important it was to me to succeed, to satisfy my intellectual curiosity, to follow everything through until the very end. It was not easy. ), Perhaps we might have forestalled his departure, but I doubt it. I wonder if Dr. K. and the Stockholm Institute dont represent a real haven. I attempted to address Bettys despair, and her belief that once she left me all our work would come to naught, by reminding her that her growth resided neither in me nor in any outside object, but was a part of her, a part she would take with her. Later, children experiment with other ways to attenuate death anxiety: they detoxify death by taunting it, challenge it through daredevilry, or desensitize it by exposing themselves, in the reassuring company of peers and warm buttered popcorn, to ghost stories and horror films. How often Ive heard that! You think youre going to help Marge? Her face was wonderfully mobile, her words delivered with the broad sneer one would expect from the villain of a Victorian melodrama. Hes not anywhere. I have no talents, no special abilities. Could she feel the difference? I was going to pontificate about what constitutes a good life in any religious systemlove, generosity, care, noble thoughts, pursuit of the good, charitybut none of that was necessary. Elva had been traumatized and now-suffered from commonplace post- traumatic stress. Better, I thought, for her to have worked on this first in her personal therapy and then, even if she still chose to talk about it in the groupand that was problematicshe would have handled it better for all parties concerned. So, as I was saying, I flip back and forth from feeling good to feeling anxious and depressedboth togetherand it is always in the depressed states that the headaches occur. Historical recall is a futile exercise in getting the heads out of the way. Maries consultation hour is a testament to the limits of knowing. Required fields are marked *. Decisions are difficult for many reasons, some reaching down into the very socket of being. It was the same quest, she and I were the same. The ominous signs were multiplying rapidly in our relationship: it was losing its human qualities; Saul and I no longer related as friends or allies; we stopped smiling together or touching each other either psychologically or physically. I dont knowYoure always so serious. In the book "Love's executioner and other tales of psychotherapy", Irvin compiles ten of his documented cases with approval from his patients and changes names of the patients for confidentiality purposes. Why dont you believe him?, Hes saying that because he has to. I often mistakenly think I see him, and rush up to greet some stranger. Could I build a solid therapeutic relationship on such insubstantial foundations? Matthew, her previous therapist who was an intern. My attention was riveted to her. This moment, this brief interval between obsessions, was the crucial time for us to workbefore Thelma re- established her equilibrium by latching onto something or someone. She lay down, hugged Chrissies tombstone, and began to cry hardernow not only for Chrissie but, finally, for all the others, all the other losses. Who needs them? he once said to me. My God! Not only does a patients confrontation with unanswerable questions expose a therapist to these same questions, but also the therapist must recognize, as I had to in Two Smiles, that the experience of the other is, in the end, unyieldingly private and unknowable. How does anyone, how do I, cope with that thought? These were real people therenot sources of information. At first that helped her talk, but as soon as I talked about my attack, he ignored Martha and started doing the same thing with me. Poor Saul strained chin and neck to reach five foot six. A trusting, confiding relationship is a prerequisite for any therapy and, in Daves, might be instrumental in changing his pathological need for secrecy. When, to my surprise, I woke up alive in the hospital, I did a lot of thinking about what I had done to my family. If not, I hope youll help me die and help me find a way to cause as little pain as possible to my family., I told Thelma that I thought we could work together, but I suggested we have another consultation hour to consider things further and also to let her assess whether she could work with me. Im going to have to work on thissomeday. Sixty-nine-year-old men have been known to die suddenly. )only when Penny had said all these things, could she stop and reflect upon what she had said. Her father made a fair living as a department-store delivery man but was, if her mothers account were to be trusted, a callous, joyless man who died of alcoholism when Penny was eight. And my old friend, the dreamer? He was also highly judgmental. Dr Yalom's case histories are more gripping than 98 percent of the fiction published today, and he has gone to amazing lengths of honesty to depict himself as a realistic flesh-and-blood character: funny, flawed, perverse, and, above all, understanding -- Phillip Lopate I loved Love's Executioner. Weve known two couples with marital problems who saw psychiatrists, and both ended up in the divorce court. Maybe youre right, Doctor. It didnt matter whether I was or not. Twins? After hearing him out, I tried to offer some support by stating that a long depression is almost as hard on the family as it is on the patient. Could I help him assume the witness to himself posture without his feeling that I was demeaning both him and the letters? . He had worked hard according to his conception of psychiatry. Penny burst out crying. The idea of him hating me is unbearable. I had thought that he would have terminated therapy long before. Marvins dysfunction was acute and would respond, I thought, to a brief cognitive-behavioral approach. What about Saul and the Stockholm Research Laboratory? . The inevitable decision loomed. Of several colors available, he selected red. Instead, we must speak of us and our problems, because our life, our existence, will always be riveted to death, love to loss, freedom to fear, and growth to separation. What made Thelma spend her whole life raking over a long-past love affair? The first, he called (glancing at his notes), Everybody has got a heart. The second was I am not my shoes.. But all our work had come to a halt four weeks before when Marie was thrown from a cable car in San Francisco and fractured her jaw, suffering extensive facial and dental damage and deep lacerations in her face and neck. Suppose Dave did die on me? I trudged when I went to fetch her from the waiting room. Carloss improvement increased exponentially. Shortly after I had sent the manuscript to my publisher, I was contacted by Phoebe Hoss, an editor from hell (but also from heaven), with whom I was to have a long, ferocious struggle. What about Yalom, Marvin, and vorbeireden? I think he realized that her chanting that phrase was a magical incantation, a wafer-thin protection against the terrible things we all have to face. He also resisted my attempts to engage him more personally and directly: for example, when I had asked him about his wound or pointed out that he ignored any of my attempts to get closer to him. Finally you found where you belong, the home and perhaps the father you had always been seeking.. Betty began to feel unsafe. I could not possibly treat her; I had no hours available to take on a new patient. I used the metaphor of a thermostat regulating self-esteem. I called back immediately but reached only his answering machine. I could have gone back earlier, but it didnt seem right to go back so soon. Dont skip anything.. . More than anything, I felt sorrow. I was hopeful now of plunging into real work. No one calls me on my birthday. I upped the ante. I have a hunch thats one of the reasons she wouldnt come into therapy when we startedin other words, she picked up your wish that she not change. I feel strongly that its the thought of retirement thats ignited it.. Dave shared a dream with the group and Yalom's explanation referred back to his stash of old love letter's, secrecy, and fear of death. . Dave said, Shoot! He turned away, blew his nose, and wiped his eyes surreptitiously. The envelope was identical to the first. I felt pleased with our work but was not deluded into thinking that she had finished therapy, nor was I surprised, as our final session approached, to see a recrudescence of her old symptoms. When I retire, I think it will bring home to me more clearly than Ive ever known that life has a beginning and an end, that Ive been slowly passing from one point to another, and that I am now approaching the end., My work is about money. My suggestion was more effective than I anticipated. The inevitability of DEATH for each of us and for those we love. Dr. K. had, Saul was certain, never had an article rejectednot until he had teamed up with this short, pushy, New York fraud. It was pointless to begin by addressing her weight. This new Marge was vivacious and outrageously, but enjoyably, flirtatious. Although Penny voiced no regrets for her behavioron the contrary, she seemed to relish telling the storythere were, nonetheless, deeper rumblings. What for? I really tried. So I decided to take your advice, but Phyllis will not cooperate. There was yet another component in this decision. A moment later, I found myself thinking of the little fat woman cartoon figure in the movie Mary Poppinsthe one who sings Supercalifragilisticexpialidociousfor that was who Betty reminded me of. The author of two definitive psychotherapy textbooks, Dr Yalom has written several books for the general reader, including Momma and the Meaning of Life and Love's Executioner, collections of true and fictionalised tales of therapy; Staring at the Sun; and the novels When Nietzsche Wept; The Schopenhauer Cure, and The Spinoza Problem. I dont want to get closer to them.. I dont want to eat on top of political buttons. But sometimes youve got to do what youve got to do. He went on to explain that Carlos had a rare, slow-growing lymphoma which caused problems more because of its sheer bulk than its malignancy. For her mothers sake, Chrissie had stayed around, prolonging her pain, delaying her release. I felt sorry for the discomfort he experienced in each course of therapy. For thirty years Saul had admired him from afar and now, in his presence, could barely summon the nerve to look into the great mans eyes. I told him I just wanted the trim painted. But he was composing himself. Ive seen too many patients badly damaged by therapists using them sexually. And?, Well, youve got more clout than I thought. Oh yes, she could, on an intellectual level, agree that, if she stopped eating and lost weight, the world might treat her differently. The patient, who had been enumerating ghastly deeds committed by his tyrannical father, ended by commenting, And he eats raw hamburger! The interviewer, who had struggled hard to maintain his neutrality, was no longer able to contain his outrage, and bellowed back, Raw hamburger? For the rest of that year, the phrase raw hamburger was often whispered in lectures and invariably cracked up the class. We didnt make any decisions, everything just happened effortlessly and spontaneously. So, in my work with Thelma, I stressed to her how her obsession was vitiating her life, and often repeated her earlier comment that she was living her life eight years before. He has become aware of too much, too fast. I tried to describe to her how I had seen things differently, and how, in my view, Matthew had been warm to her and had gone into lengthy and painful detail about why he had broken off with her. But not a flicker of interest in Sauls eyes. I decided not to protest her accusation that I did not believe her. It was as though Saul still had no bedroom, no room he had made his own, that was unmistakably his. Well, I can keep it very brief. Think about that. You remember them?, Id offer profuse apologies, prostrate myself, spread innuendoes that I had advanced cancer (that has never failed). She smoked furiously during the session, often taking two or three drags before angrily snuffing out the cigarette, only minutes later to light up another. I was sorry I had to see him again. Saul, in Three Unopened Letters, knew that any reasonable man would open the letters; yet the fear they invoked paralyzed his will. To my surprise, she began sobbing so forcefully that she could not catch her breath. I know how busy he is. Other prognostic signs clamored for my attention, but I chose to ignore them. It was actually doing something for the patient. Marge began to treat me as an equal, she asked me questions, she flirted a bit. He asked Martha a lot of factual questionswhen, where, what, who. What do you make of the fact that the only kind of car you could get was a green Honda Civic?, I hate green and I hate Honda Civics. I was about to ask about Harry being good at giving things up, but Thelma raced on. Touch! The facts are obvious. Yes, I cant deny that life in the later years is just one damn loss after another; but, even so, Ive found far greater tranquility and happiness in my seventh, and eighth and ninth decades than I ever imagined possible. Object Loss - the loss of a figure who has played an instrumental role in constitution of one's inner world. How had that happened? Thats the rational side of specialness. I had satisfied myself that the symbolic meaning of retirementthe existential anxiety underlying this important life markerwas sufficient explanation for the onset of his symptoms. Some people are wish-blocked, knowing neither what they feel nor what they want. Perhaps that was it. , , . Throughout his presentation, a small mantra wheel in his mind had hummed, I am not my work. When he finished and sat down next to his boss, the mantra continued, I am not my work. Its so self-punishing, so perverselike grinding an aching tooth. I had also, I told her, compared myself unfavorably with others on many occasions. Or, was it possible that he was far ahead of me and mocked himselfand me, toowith subtle irony? Lets figure it out together.. First, because you didnt help Chrissie talk about dying, and second, because you didnt let go of her soon enough.. For one thing, Marge stuttered on every word. Over the months I had been seeing Carlos, I had discovered that I could chart, with astonishing accuracy, the course of his cancer by noting the things he thought about. You showed up time and time again in my office waiting room. I wasnt able to have children, Im afraid of people, Ive never worked outside the home, I have no talents or skills. She paused, wiped her eyes and said to Marvin, See, I can cry if I put my mind to it., She turned back to me. There she was cowering behind her chair as Marge was wont to do when frightened. Worse yet, much worse (and this is hard to admit), I agreed with her. I was glad to run into Thelmainto you, Thelma, turning to her. These feelings never disappeared but during her best times merely receded to the background, awaiting a suitable cue to return. But in Daves group, the burning secret was age. She cried for her sons, for the unrecoverable years, for the wreckage of their lives. To help Carlos become assimilated in the group, I had, in the first few meetings, coached him on appropriate social behavior. There had to be some other way. Some patients are easy. How well did it heal?, He suggested that perhaps I was too young to appreciate how many eight-year-old boys auditioned unsuccessfully for the Quiz Kids., Feelings dont always follow rational rules. Great artists attempt to communicate image directly through suggestion, through metaphor, through linguistic feats intended to evoke some similar image in the reader.
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