Frequently Asked Question

Understanding ProTAACS Ethernet Sensor Gateway Ports
Last Updated 3 years ago

  1. Ports 80 and 443 are ports designated to http and https traffic which is a protocol on top of TCP network communications. In general web browsers use these ports to send requests to web servers. Web servers then reply and the traffic is routed back to the browser.
  2. The gateways communicate to “”. The exact subdomain changes with the gateway type. TCP based communication communicates to as a primary and as a failover. UDP based communication communicates to as a primary and as a failover.
  3. The server never initiates communication to the gateway. Because the gateway always initiates the TCP communication there is no need to change firewall settings for inbound port communication.
  4. In some networks outbound ports may be filtered. In these cases, a firewall rule or exception will need to be created to allow outbound traffic over port 3000.
  5. If there are issues getting the gateway to communicate here are a few ideas:

There is a tool you can download to check the required port:

Download ProTAACS Communication Check Tool

By leaving the defaults for Server Address and Server Port then putting the Gateway ID it will give you some feedback as to connectivity. This tool is built generically for multiple gateway types. By changing the gateway type you can identify which use TCP (Ethernet and USB) and which use UDP (Cellular and Wi-Fi).

For most gateways the lights on the front will indicate what the issue is.

  • Bottom (local network connectivity)
  • Middle (internet connectivity)
  • Top (sensor network)

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