Frequently Asked Question

Understanding the Snooze Setting of an Action in iProTAACS Online
Last Updated 3 years ago

Note: The terms Actions and Notifications generally refer to the same thing in ProTAACS terminology. Actions is the term used in the New Look 3.0 view of iProTAACS Online, Notifications is the term used in iProTAACS Classic View.

Actions in iProTAACS have a setting called Snooze. You might be familiar with this as the “Don’t Alert again for (Snooze)” setting in iProTAACS’s Classic View. This configuration allows an Action to continue to send an alert at this configured time interval if the Action is not Disarmed (for information on Disarming and Rearming Actions. Much like an alarm clock snooze setting, this is useful if a condition persists, and needs to be acknowledged by a user. The Action will continue to send the alert until it is Disarmed (Acknowledged).

Default 60 minute configuration

By default, the Snooze setting is configured to 60 minutes. Therefore if an Action is triggered and not Disarmed within the 60 minute Snooze time, standard Notifications escalation will continue for the the configured recipients (or devices) every 60 minutes if the triggering condition persists. If the Action is Disarmed, the Notification will no longer be sent on the Snooze time even if the triggering condition persists without change.

Snooze time configuration

From New Look:
-Select the Actions tab in the left-hand sidebar.
-Select the Action for which you wish to edit the Snooze setting.
-Select the Action Rocketship icon in the top right of the page.
-Scroll down to the Send Notifications section.

From Classic View:
-Click the Notifications tab in the navigation bar.
-Click the Notification for which you wish to modify the Snooze setting.
-Click the Settings tab for the Notification.
-Modify the field labeled “Don’t Alert again for (Snooze)” to the desired Snooze time.
Note: setting the Snooze time to 0 does not deactivate the Snooze feature. Rather, it sets the Snooze time to the default 60 minutes.
-Click the Save Settings button.


In this example, we will use a temperature sensor which has been applied to trigger and Action with a 45°F temperature reading.
Action Trigger Configuration: Notify when Sensor Reading is Greater than 45°F
Action: Send email
Snooze Setting: Default 60 Minutes
Sensor Configuration: 10 minute Standard and Aware State Heartbeat

1:23 PM > Sensor checks in reading 42°F - No Action triggered
1:33 PM > Sensor checks in reading 46°F - Action triggered, email sent (Snooze timer started)
1:43 PM > Sensor checks in reading 46.5°F - Action still triggered, Action not yet Disarmed by user, snoozing for 10 out of 60 minutes, no change
1:53 PM > Sensor checks in reading 47°F - Action still triggered, Action not yet Disarmed by user, snoozing for 20 out of 60 minutes, no change
2:03 PM > Sensor checks in reading 47.5°F - Action still triggered, Action not yet Disarmed by user, snoozing for 30 out of 60 minutes, no change
2:13 PM > Sensor checks in reading 48°F - Action still triggered, Action not yet Disarmed by user, snoozing for 40 out of 60 minutes, no change
2:23 PM > Sensor checks in reading 49°F - Action still triggered, Action not yet Disarmed by user, snoozing for 50 out of 60 minutes, no change
2:33 PM > Sensor checks in reading 50°F - Action still triggered, Action not yet Disarmed by user, since snooze reached 60 minutes additional email sent, Snooze timer restarted
2:43 PM > Sensor checks in reading 49°F - Action still triggered, Action not yet Disarmed by user, snoozing for 10 out of 60 minutes, no change
2:53 PM > Sensor checks in reading 50°F - Action still triggered, Action not yet Disarmed by user, snoozing for 20 out of 60 minutes, no change
3:03 PM > Sensor checks in reading 51°F - Action still triggered, Action not yet Disarmed by user, snoozing for 30 out of 60 minutes, no change
3:13 PM > Sensor checks in reading 50°F - Action still triggered, Action not yet Disarmed by user, snoozing for 40 out of 60 minutes, no change
3:23 PM > Sensor checks in reading 52°F - Action still triggered, Action not yet Disarmed by user, snoozing for 50 out of 60 minutes, no change
3:33 PM > Sensor checks in reading 52°F - Action still triggered, Action not yet Disarmed by user, since snooze reached 60 minutes additional email sent, Snooze timer restarted
3:43 PM > Sensor checks in reading 51°F - Action still triggered, Action not yet Disarmed by user, snoozing for 10 out of 60 minutes, no change
3:46 PM > User Disarms Action
3:53 PM > Sensor checks in reading 49°F - Action still triggered, Action Disarmed by User, no snooze timer
4:03 PM > Sensor checks in reading 50°F - Action still triggered, Action Disarmed by User, no snooze timer
4:13 PM > Sensor checks in reading 51°F - Action still triggered, Action Disarmed by User, no snooze timer
4:23 PM > Sensor checks in reading 48F - Action still triggered, Action Disarmed by User, no snooze timer
4:33 PM > Sensor checks in reading 47°F - Action still triggered, Action Disarmed by User, no snooze timer
4:43 PM > Sensor checks in reading 46°F - Action still triggered, Action Disarmed by User, no snooze timer
4:53 PM > Sensor checks in reading 44°F - Action Rearmed (Reset) since sensor reading is below configured Sensor Reading threshold in the Action Settings, Action can again be triggered


In order to effectively implement your Actions in iProTAACS, understanding the Snooze settings of your Actions is key. There are unique escalation details for which knowing the Snooze operation will help. If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact ProTAACS Support.

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