It is indisputable that it was one of those dangerous careers in this world but at the same time they can gain something new in their life other than joining the ordinary career out there such as being an accountan t or a bank clerk. Since 9/11, the Army National Guard has been called on to not only contribute to its state mission of humanitarian relief and civil security but has also deployed frequently. The reasons: obesity, no high school diploma, or a criminal record. One of the top reasons people enlist in the military is for the education. Not only do they gain training for their job, but they also gain the ability to get a degree once they have finished their service. Since 2015, you DON’T need a Russian passport to join Russia’s military - any citizenship will work for you. Then, do research on your own to find out what fields interest you the most. A 2017 Department of Defense poll of young people shows 49% of survey respondents indicated that if they were to join the military, one reason for … 6. Defending and serving the country is a high calling and for some it is a family tradition. It was published in 2006 and sadly things have gotten even worse for our soldiers since then. Military Versus Civilian Employment . Some people are in favor, but others are opposed to military. On April 28, 1967, boxing champion Muhammad Ali refuses to be inducted into the U.S. Army and is immediately stripped of his heavyweight title. June 29, 2014 3:01 PM EDT. If you have to ask about the Legion its probably not for you. Teens are often roped into joining the military at the thought of shooting things, guns and explosions. Joining The Military. Twenty years is a long time—and if you leave the military before then, you won’t get anything. Joining The Military. The military can make a difference in people’s lives. While on paper this may not seem like much, keep in mind that these are a measurement of strength and endurance that separate winners and losers in combat- a competition where “first and second place” are replaced with “life and death”. What are some bad reasons to join the military? That being said, all of these tangible benefits are certainly worth considering, and weighing into the pros and cons of joining the military. I also don’t think you have to be a huge patriot or have a family lineage of service. For most people who had been completely jobless for almost 4 years, joining the military is a very attractive decision to make. Truth is, your military pension alone may not be enough. Brigadier Nicky Moffat was Britains first general and this year 14.5 percent of all active duty in the military and women have worked to hard to keep this country safe and till this day because of women we can live a safe life at home and women have worked in the military since 1900-2012 and 14000 women in the navy and 60000 Army women were in the war against the Japanese. Patriotism. 7. My unit needed them anyway. Joining the military, especially the Army or the Marines puts you in the unique position of being a warrior. There are many specific medical conditions that may disqualify you from joining the U.S. Military. Top 10 Reasons to Join the Military If you are thinking about joining the military, you need to consider why you want to join. So if you’re thinking about joining the Army National Guard, here are 10 National Guard benefits you need to … There are plenty of reasons why a woman should choose to join the military in their life. Thesis Statement: Three reasons why transgender people should not be allowed in the military are the military wouldn’t place them with the male or the female, it would cost the Army much money to pay for the transgenders’ medical health, and they are considered disabled so the Army won’t know when there can be deployed. 2. Young people are getting wise to the many excellent reasons not to join the U.S. military, and this handy book brings them all together, combining accessible writing with hard facts and devastating personal testimony. 1. The military's real problem: Fewer Americans are joining. Most importantly, you need to know why so many people are joining this branch of the military. Most of us would not even get into the Armed Forces, and out of the few that do manage to get in, majority would not be able to adjust to the extremely structured environment. so if you join the military, if your spouse loses out on a good job making good $$$/pension benefits, then you just unintentionally killed thousands of $$$ of potential earnings. One reason younger people are joining the military because it provides job stability. While these aspects of military recruitment do exist, it is not normally on the level that high school teens seem to think. Joining the Army or the Navy. Both the Army and the Navy offer the same basic ways you can join. You can join as an Active Duty member, which means you’ll be a full time member of the Army or Navy. It’s also possible to join the Army and the Navy as a Reserve, which means you will serve part-time. But perhaps the greatest reason young people join the military … If you’re looking out for what’s best for you, don’t join the military. … If you are interested in a bold new career, take a look at these five reasons why women should consider a career in the military. Joining the military is not like joining any other organization. Here are just a few of the considerations: 1. Your family is applying preassure for you to serve as it is a family tradition, but you aren't interested. The only way to truly know if the military is right for me is if I … The U.S. military has six branches of service: the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, and Space Force. Who am I kidding? If you are one of those people who... 3. Some of the advice from Moms is: Politics, Advice on Cutting, Halloween Help In using contracts the military provides one of the most secure jobs. According to a new study of enlisted soldiers, however, a core motivation is relatively simple: for money. But it's not for everyone. for a number of reasons: Money and a stable job is usually the number one option and this encompasses the whole gamut of economic depression, class background, no college money, post-military career benefits, etc. In the interest of full disclosure, I’ll go ahead and say right now that there are going to be some pretty sweeping generalizations in this article. Opportunities for women are more abundant than ever. Below are 10 of the best reasons to join the National Guard: 1. Just because you join the National Guard does not mean you are going to be fighting the enemy, day after day. There are many reasons why people choose to join the military, and many reasons why they choose to leave it. The Three Biggest Reasons to Join the Military (and Few Reasons NOT to Join) Joining the military is an extremely serious decision, effecting not only yourself, but … Here are four reasons to contribute to the TSP: Only about 17% of those who join the military actually serve the full 20 years. Nope still a good reason. 77 Words1 Page. I’m not sure I met any of them during six years on active duty, but they must exist. To Get Rich Different from number 11 above, the military is not the occupation you want if getting rich is your... #2. The military's real problem: Fewer Americans are joining. If you are interested in joining the military, use this information to help you make a more informed decision. If your score falls below the minimum, the military won't accept you. 1. Asoni and his co-authors looked at two conclusions commonly drawn by decades of existing studies: 1) That Americans from poorer socio-economic backgrounds are more likely to … You are trying to get out of trouble with the courts. There are plenty of reasons you should join as well as plenty of perks that both you and your family will receive. And the application process to join the military is unlike almost any other job application process. The camaraderie and sense of community that soldiers find in the Army might not be replicated in civilian life. My unit needed them anyway. Though that does not change the fact that I am proud to be a part of this unique society and hope to be a part of all of the great changes it will make in the future. Plain and simple. And joining the U.S. military is not an easy process. Bored, indecisive, in trouble, unemployed, seeking to get away from home — these are some of the reasons why young men and women join the military. Joining the military can greatly improve the lives of many. This list will inform you about the 7 reasons as to why you should not join the Armed Forces as they are not meant for everybody. There are a great many reasons not to join the military. You’ll fight for a government that crushes public dissent and locks up more people than any other country in the world in a for-profit prison system that uses inmates as slave labor. This number obviously doesn’t include overtime pay, 24-hour duties, weekend and holiday pay, or the fact that being in the military is a 24/7 job. The military uses contracts, which is currently for eight years. Yes, it can be a dangerous job – there’s no doubt about that – but not all soldiers are on the front lines. One reason younger people are joining the military because it provides job stability. People who want to join find the Legion themselves, the legion doesn't try and find them. The type of job and location of a recruit’s duty station will determine the risk that military personnel encounter. When I was a commander in Iraq, many of my men were unfit for the battlefield. The military is the absolute worst place to be, given that you have no idea where you will be in 2 yrs and the frequent moving. He now works as a military recruiter in Woodbridge, Virginia. I disagree with the comments about not joining for college/GI Bill. I had always wanted to join the military and figured if I didn't join when I did, I never would. You need a job, almost any job will do. Following a tweet from President Trump that said transgender people would not be allowed to serve in the military, the White House issued a … The reason you don't see recruiting advertisements is because they are not looking for ordinary people. So, “because life will be a lot easier” is not a good reason to tryout for SOF. Even in the Army’s basic training stage, females are held to a much lower standard than males. No seriously. It will not be helpful for either you or your child to become estranged before they leave, so spend as much time together as you can before they are deployed. In its report, Ready, Willing and Unable to Serve, Mission: Readiness - a group of retired military and civilian military leaders - found that one in four young people between 17 and 24 does not have a high school diploma. Just hope they are not lying. If you join the United States military, you won’t fight for truth, justice or freedom. You can always visit multiple recruiting offices to see which branch seems like the best fit for you. People should know not to join the U.S. military for three main reasons. I think your general disposition has more of an impact on your career than your initial motivations. That does not apply to most wartime situations. The MEPS is a joint Service organization that determines an applicant's physical qualifications, aptitude and moral standards as set by each branch of military … And if Cindy Sheehan and Elizabeth Weil-Greenberg have their way, 10 Excellent Reasons Not to Join the Military will add considerably to the military's difficulties. I’m … Some people. However, such a position is not a biblical concept, and to claim otherwise is deceptive. It all depends on the service and the career; they are factors that determine the risk level. Many students are not making the right decisions with their lives and 18 year old are still mind twisted on whether they should go or not many students today are saying they are going in the military and when they get in the are ready to get out choosing the right decision takes a little bit of time so therefore I think the age shall be raised . References. You could be deployed to Afghanistan to join a PRT (Provincial Reconstruction Team) in which you help local communities rebuild with logistical, economic, and cultural support. In addition, the military generally requires a high school diploma or GED. Another reason for joining the military is that people are enticed to do so because the recruiters say it is definitely a good career joining the military. 10. College Money. Patriotism, defending our nation, and a sense of duty. For some the biggest reason to join any military is to serve and represent their country. The armed forces are having a tough time attracting new recruits lately, in no small part due to the mess in Iraq. You can say you don’t want to join the military because you have other aspirations which will undoubtedly benefit society much more than joining the military would. Not only do you not have any co-pays, but you will also find yourself without any deductibles or annual fees. Approximately 80 percent of career fields in the military are non-combat related. 3. If you do look at it like a 24-hour job, you’re looking more towards E-7 (at over 8 years time in service) or O-3 just to break minimum wage. The military has crashed hard upon the rocks of quagmire Iraq and fewer people want to join the armed forces today than in order a decade. Identity Theft Is a Threat to Soldiers, and It's Just as Bad for Veterans. Full time employment. The military uses contracts, which is currently for eight years. Once you have talked to a recruiter, you’ll set a date to visit a Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) to finish the enlistment process. Actually, we can say it’s pretty dangerous to join the military. The requirements to join are similar for all six, but there are differences in age limits, test scores, and fitness levels. 10 great reasons to join the military 1. Patriotism, defending our nation , and a sense of duty . Military service is a time-honored way to serve others first. Walter Reuther is quoted as saying, "There is no greater calling than to serve your fellow men. There is no greater contribution than to help the weak. Reasons the Military Will Not Accept YouCitizenship and Residency. You must be a U.S. ...Age and Education. The military will reject your application if you are too young or too old. ...Aptitude Tests. If you fail to make a passing grade on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, your application will not succeed.Physical Condition and Criminal Record. ... Many join the Army because they feel that it is the right thing to do. That means as part of your job you may be asked to kill for your country. But making money your only priority and joining the forces because it is a “government job”, you will not … Read all 142 questions with answers, advice and tips about reasons to not join the army from moms' communities. Reason you should NOT join the Army: To get a job Job security Cause I like “Call of Duty” To get an education. I’m really not a fan of bullets flying toward me. Young people are getting wise to the many excellent reasons not to join the U.S. Military, and this handy book brings them all together, combining accessible writing with hard facts and devastating personal testimony. But joining because you cannot find anything else to do is typically not the best reason, though many of those who are uninterested in what the civilian jobs offer to find a home in the military as well. There are many reasons why people join the military. Minimum scores vary from a low of 31 for the Army and Marines to 45 for the Coast Guard. Those who are impoverished and jobs or not sure of what they want to with their lives can have great opportunities in the military and make changes in their lives for the better.The benefits and reasons for joining the military out weigh the reasons not … Mostly to do with resources and money. I’m sure some people also join for patriotic reasons. Army – don’t know what else to do; Navy or Coast Guard – technical training (this was true for me) Marines – warrior image; Don’t shoot the messenger! Some people need the military … A parent also needs to realize that joining the military is not a death sentence; few members are in combat, even fewer see death or kill someone themselves. The following conditions may disqualify you from military service: a. Which is my entirely my point. The reason I joined was so I could keep going to school while in the military. Hahah, other than the fact that you’re pushed to murder other humans for “political reasons”. You might think that if you work for the Army, you'd be safe from the threat of identity theft, but let's get honest and clear about this risk. Trying To Join The Military, Military Life and Issues, 13 replies can i join the military?, Military Life and Issues, 16 replies I'm almost 35, is there any way I can join the military?, Military Life and Issues, 13 replies Should I join the military? If I had worked all these night shifts, overtime, and surprise work hours in the civilian... 3.Waste of your youth. Young people generally join the military for the wrong motive. Women in the military. But in many cases, it’s actually a combination of other reasons why people join the military. 5 reasons to join the U.S. Army 12:47 PM, Aug 21, 2020 This has been an extraordinary time as Americans face historic challenges that the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic has presented. Imagine joining the military, with the hope of defending the country you love, only to find yourself in Syria—one of the 76 countries in which the US military has a presence. Career fields. People choose to join the military for a variety of reasons. People should not join the U.S. military because the military does not care about you. Im not looking for a reason not too, Im trying to prove that I am good for this. Join the Military for Your Own Reasons . You can apply online or through a recruiter. You absolutely do not want to have a job that gives you any kind of vacation time. 77 Words1 Page. While military culture advances just like the rest of society, it’s always lagging behind by a few decades. Just some thoughts I had after watching Dusty's video on this topic. The truth is that identity theft is rampant for service members, veterans, and their families. America has had its problems and still does. Wednesday’s announcement reflects good reasons why transgender accommodations are incompatible with military realities. Reading the book will take an hour or so -- Enlisting will take 5 - 8 years and maybe your life. Body Paragraph One. You want an education and have at least $100,000 just sitting around for you to use. In creating a stable job for young people it reduces unemployment, job jumping and hunting. If you struggle from any of the conditions mentioned below, it is a good idea to speak with a local U.S. Military recruiter. Patriotism is always one of the top three reasons people give for joining the military, according to national recruitment statistics. 10 Dumb Reasons We Joined The Military. What is the #1 reason you would join the military? Suicide rates have sky-rocketed; lack of adequate health care has increased; unemployment and homeless for … The following is an excerpt from the forthcoming book, 10 Excellent Reasons Not to Join the Military to be published on May 18, 2006 by The New Press. People join the Army or the military for a number of reasons. If you join the military for pay, benefits, or some other tangible reason you may find yourself to be unhappy during hard times. These risks make military a major topic around the globe. Photo Credit: It's popular among more liberal Christians (and Quakers) to categorically condemn war and the military. It’s just not in your best interest. Not everyone who joins the military does it in the altruistic name of national service. In using contracts the military provides one of the most secure jobs. And in an effort to stir a little introspection for those interested in taking the walk, here are a few other reasons that should not be driving factors in one’s quest to join the ranks of the elite: To validate your personal or professional worth. The 2017 Blue Star Families Military Family Lifestyle Survey shows that a growing number of military families are no longer willing to recommend that their children join the service. There are many reasons to join the military, including pay, benefits, education, training, travel, high-paying jobs, health care, and more. If one of the reasons above resonates with you, talk to a recruiter to find out what skills are in high-demand. This list will inform you about the 7 reasons as to why you should not join the Armed Forces as they are not meant for everybody. However, Hailee Strong, a mother, 9.5-year military sergeant veteran, and facilitator of a veterans support group, stated there are some very strong benefits of joining the military if you have a family. Most of us would not even get into the Armed Forces, and out of the few that do manage to get in, majority would not be able to adjust to the extremely structured environment. The military glorifies the giving and obeying of orders as somehow something good for its own sake, something called "discipline" or "character." (HS), Military Life and Issues, 9 replies I'm 30. 5 Reasons Not to Join the Military 1. Education is very expensive, and... 2. The following article is adapted from the book: "10 Excellent Reasons Not to Join the Military," edited by Elizabeth Weill-Greenberg, published by New Press.“A soldier who sees the humanity of the enemy makes a troubled and ineffective killer.”-- Chris Hedges So far, the worst thing people have told me is being away from home, but I can do that, is there anything else that you see as a bad reason to join. Don't join the military if one of these applies to you. I'm in the Marine Corps Reserves. Helping people lead better lives is satisfying and important. Yes, earning the pride and dignity that goes along with serving in the military is a big reason … So, folks in the military tend to get married and have families young. No that is actually a good reason. A pproximately 71% of the 34 million 17-to-24-year-olds in the U.S. would not qualify for military service because of reasons related to … Family Tradition Sense of Duty, this is of course what many in the Government would point to, in order to support their exploitation. My expectations were actually very low. Learn more about joining the military. When I was a commander in Iraq, many of my men were unfit for the battlefield. For many years, the jobs that were available for women in the military were quite … Before you can join the military, you need to fill out a host of forms and fill out dozens of documents, including your health history, a background check, and more. But some experts state that most military specialties are not more hazardous than the civilian jobs. When you think of joining the military with a family, being away from them is typically one of the first things that comes to mind. Enlisting in the Military. A single bullet pales in comparison to IEDs and large-scale weaponry available today. According to 2017 Pentagon data, 71 percent of young people are ineligible to join the military. Staff Sergeant Terrelle Thomas joined the Air Force nine years ago. And women are joining the military in record numbers at the same time that the military is seeing less people enlist overall. Some occupations in the military are the most dangerous jobs in the world, but that doesn’t mean they will necessarily lead to death. The following is a list of reasons to NOT join the military: #1. In creating a stable job for young people it reduces unemployment, job jumping and hunting. Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. Reasons To Join The Army• Gather a group of soldiers and you’ll likely find many different reasons to join the Army.• Some join to serve their country, others want to pay for college and still others simply want to see the world on Uncle Sam’s dime.• Whatever the reason, there are plenty of benefits of joining the Army. The armed forces are having a tough time attracting new recruits lately, in no small part due to the mess in Iraq. Just Not Smart Enough . Of course, that doesn't mean that joining the military is … Somewhere. About 30 percent of those who do, states the report, still fail the Armed Forces Qualification Test, the entrance test required to join the US military. Here are the 9 reasons you are not meant to join the Indian Army, Navy and Air Force: You are a money minded person: It is obvious that it is hard to survive without money. RepliesReply 1.Educational benefit is not that much. Here are 5 of the more over exaggerated claims that are made regarding joining the military. On April 28, 1967, boxing champion Muhammad Ali refuses to be inducted into the U.S. Army and is immediately stripped of his heavyweight title. So, yeah, those sound like drawbacks. Whooping 50k after 8 years (4 years inactive) service is a really really... 2.Inconstant work hours. Military age should be raised. These include conditions like depression, bipolar disorder, epilepsy, heart issues, Asperger’s, and PTSD. Americans join the Army for plenty of reasons: for country, family, and honor. See not everyone has parents that will pay for college and even working your way through college you ... To see the world/travel. You won’t fight for peace. I would think about joining a national army as a first step.