This page is about the various possible words that rhymes or sounds like courcoury.Use it for writing poetry, composing lyrics for your song or coming up with rap verses. courageous(a.) Synonyms: fearless (from reflection or a sense of duty), BRAVE, gallant, daring, valorous, chivalrous, valiant, bold, heroic, intrepid, dauntless, resolute, hardy, stout, lion-hearted, with a bold front, UP TO THE SCRATCH. Synonyms and other words related to courageously: Meet your meter: The "Restrict to meter" strip above will show you the related words that match a particular kind of metrical foot. What does courageously mean? similar meaning. toughly. synonyms for courageous. justly. Antonyms are used to express the opposite of a word. Synonyms for courageous. expand_more Organizacja ta bardzo odważnie broniła praw człowieka na Białorusi. Search courageously and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. expand_more Organizacja ta bardzo odważnie broniła praw człowieka na Białorusi. Explore Urdupoint dictionary to find out more meanings, definitions, synonyms and antonyms of the word Courageously. dauntlessly. fairly. 0 votes. arrow_drop_down - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar Toggle navigation share fearlessly. showing courage. resolutely, determinedly, stoutly, stout-heartedly, stalwartly, hard, strongly, vigorously, with might and main, like a Trojan The Web's largest and most authoritative phrases and idioms resource. Lists. single-handedly. audacious. handle the situation translation in English - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'hand',hale',handful',handily', examples, definition, conjugation Another word for with all your might: forcefully, vigorously, mightily, full force, manfully | Collins English Thesaurus Definition of courageously adverb in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. It conatins accurate other and similar related words for dauntlessly in English. Need antonyms for courageously? Sentences Mobile. Learn the definition of 'to advance courageously'. Check out the pronunciation, synonyms and grammar. courageously - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions. courageous, courage, courteous, courtesy. If a particular answer is generating a lot of interest on the site today, it may be highlighted in orange. Courageous, dauntless, perhaps a little bit daring, a person who is brave faces dangerous or difficult situations with courage. courageously meaning: 1. in a way that shows a lot of courage: 2. in a way that shows a lot of courage: . courageously. decidedly. Best synonyms for 'courageously' are 'boldly', 'bravely' and 'courageous'. Translation for 'courageously' in the free English-German dictionary and many other German translations. "tenaciously" and "stoutly" Yes, I agree. Fervently and courageously as synonyms. Synonyms. The page not only provides Urdu meaning of Courageously but also gives extensive definition in English language. Synonyms of courageously boldly : : fearless before danger : intrepid bold settlers on some foreign shore — William Wordsworth bravely : : having or showing mental or moral strength to face danger, fear, or difficulty : having or showing courage a brave soldier a brave smile It conatins accurate other and similar related words for vehemently in English. heroic. Translations. courageously. ‘She courageously shares her very personal struggles and offers wise strategies for facing down fear.’ ‘He stood up courageously against the oppressive regime.’ ‘Off we went, courageously going where no one had gone before.’ ‘She's worked courageously here to foster the peace process.’ Courageously. Abdi has courageously fought for reform for more than a decade. She is clearly a very tough and courageous woman. a courageous deed. vigorously. venturesomely. daring. adverbbravely. Under fire you said a most courageous, womanly, creditable thing. See more. In other words, that means reading the text carefully and using hints to understand the meaning of a particular word. We use your information to personalize your experience. Contexts . Maathai stood up courageously against the former oppressive regime in Kenya. 450-1100)) -ly (Middle English (1100-1500)) courageous (English) corageus (Old French (842-ca. Boldly: in a fearless manner. gallant. Find fearlessly synonyms list of more than 6 words on Pasttenses thesaurus. Rhymes. Find dauntlessly synonyms list of more than 6 words on Pasttenses thesaurus. Classic Thesaurus. courageous. 11. • COURAGEOUS (adjective) The adjective COURAGEOUS has 1 sense: 1. possessing or displaying courage; able to face and deal with danger or fear without flinching. Familiarity information: COURAGEOUS used as an adjective is very rare. See more. brave people who dare to challenge the tyrannical regimes. The Ocean Course, recently renovated by Mark McCumber, showcases a panoramic ocean view, deep bunkers, and lagoons. 44 synonyms for courageous: brave, daring, bold, plucky, hardy, heroic, gritty, stalwart, fearless, resolute, gallant, audacious, intrepid, valiant, indomitable. Synonyms for Courageously are for example boldly, daringly and fearlessly.More synonyms can be … WORDS RELATED TO COURAGEOUSLY. Browse the use examples 'to advance courageously' in the great English corpus. See more. bold, brave, dauntless, doughty, fearless, gallant, greathearted, gutsy, We've got 0 rhyming words for courcoury » What rhymes with courcoury? The definition of Courageously is followed by practically usable example sentences which allow you to construct your own sentences based on it. Pronunciation roman Urdu is "Himmat se" and Translation of Courageously in Urdu writing script is ہمت سے.Courageously is an English language word that is well described on this page with all the important details i.e Courageously meaning, Courageously word synonyms, and … Synonyms for courage, bravery, boldness and confidence. Big, ballsy, bold and bountiful list of brave words that can be used to describe courage or confidence. Believe in yourself and use these brave words to give yourself a confidence in the journey of life. Synonyms for unpredictably include out of the blue, abruptly, suddenly, unexpectedly, immediately, unanticipatedly, unawares, surprisingly, unforeseen and arbitrarily. Courageous definition: Someone who is courageous shows courage. courageously translation in English - Spanish Reverso dictionary, see also 'courageous',courteously',courage',courteous', examples, definition, conjugation Translation Context Spell check Synonyms Conjugation courageously {adverb} This is an organisation which has very courageously been defending human rights in Belarus. Courageous definition: Someone who is courageous shows courage. Learn the definition of 'to advance courageously'. Antonyms for courageous. She was a courageous woman who wasn't afraid to support unpopular causes. daring. You can also find multiple synonyms or similar words of Courageously. synonyms. Contexts . expand_more Na cestě, kterou jste se v životě ubíral, jste musel statečně bránit svobodu, demokracii a právní řád, abyste je pomohl nastolit ve své zemi, v Polsku. overview; mutual synonyms; definitions; Terms with meaning between tirelessly and courageously. determinedly. Please be assured that we are doing our best to bring Power Thesaurus back as soon as possible. Definition and synonyms of courageous from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.. 1.1. (adverb) Princeton's WordNet (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this synonym: bravely, courageously (adverb) in a courageous manner … Meter is denoted as a sequence of x and / symbols, where x represents an unstressed syllable and / … What is another word for courageous? adj brave, bold. pbjs.setConfig(pbjsCfg); all … How to say courageously in English? Opposite of in a courageous or daring manner. Princeton's WordNet (3.11 / 9 votes) Rate these synonyms:. Antonyms. ( en adjective ) Of a person, displaying or possessing courage. Collaborative Dictionary English Thesaurus. Use our Synonym Finder. eagerly. honestly. Luggage arrived, courageously, two months after Sept . But if you’re given a text from which to deduct them, one effective method is to look for context clues . Synonyms for courageous in Free Thesaurus. 5 votes. Learner's definition of COURAGEOUS. stoutly. Tags of "stoutly" as a synonym for "tenaciously" Suggest tags. courageously definition: 1. in a way that shows a lot of courage: 2. in a way that shows a lot of courage: . recklessly. fearless. courageously {adverb} This is an organisation which has very courageously been defending human rights in Belarus. Learn more. Meter is denoted as a sequence of x and / symbols, where x represents an unstressed syllable and / … You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...) ‘If you want to compete at the Boston Marathon you have to be willing to put in the lonely hours of work.’. Word of the Day: usurp. the most courageous man I have ever met. See more. Courageous definition, possessing or characterized by courage; brave: a courageous speech against the dictator. ‘We hope this issue will inspire you to act courageously against your own fears.’. Fortitude definition, mental and emotional strength in facing difficulty, adversity, danger, or temptation courageously: Never once did her fortitude waver during that long illness. Courageous definition, possessing or characterized by courage; brave: a courageous speech against the dictator. Antonyms for courageously. Parts of speech of "stoutly" as a synonym for "tenaciously" Suggest new. brazenly. Synonyms for courageously. What is the opposite of courageously? Unfortunately, the requested page is unavailable, inaccessible, unreachable at this moment. courageously meaning: 1. in a way that shows a lot of courage: 2. in a way that shows a lot of courage: . courageousness. headlong. brave, courageous adjective. This is the British English definition of courageous.View American English definition of courageous.. Change your default dictionary to American English. bravely. colloquial. He courageously fought two battles: one for Senate reform and the other against cancer. Princeton's WordNet (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this synonym: bravely, courageously (adverb) in a courageous manner … We are implementing service updates in order to make it better for our users. COURAGEOUSLY 'COURAGEOUSLY' is a 12 letter word starting with C and ending with Y Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for COURAGEOUSLY We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word courageously will help you to finish your crossword today. bravely. courages. My children, I always lived humbly, courageously and in hope. Synonyms for. v. to face a situation courageously. overview; mutual synonyms; definitions; Terms with meaning between courageously and tirelessly.