Posted in African Americans, Memory by Andy Hall on December 16, 2012. Florida State Archives R. A. Civil War, 1862-1865, List of Louisiana Confederate soldiers who died while in a prison camp at Morton, Indiana, 1862-1865. service would be granted by the state in which the veteran or his widow lived at the time of application rather … Civil War Pension Index: General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934 Ancestry . In the aftermath of the war, a number of Civil War veterans' organizations came into being. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration. On April 1, 1891, with the passage of Act 91, Arkansas became one of the first southern states to grant annual pensions to Ex-confederate servicemen and their widows. Retrieved October 2, 2014. A law passed in 1912 increased the rate to a maximum of $30 a month for both Civil War and Mexican War veterans. This collection contains records that relate to Confederate veterans’ pensions in Alabama between 1865-1940. Submit North Carolina Civil War pension files to the North Carolina. Confederate Military Records Tracing your ancestor's service in the Confederate army during the Civil War can be a very rewarding part of genealogical research. Civil War "Widows' Pensions", 1861-1910 Fold3 . This collection references specific pension records freely available through different project websites online. See Confederate Pension Records for information about state agencies with records relating to Confederate pensions. Application record: Passed by the Kentucky General Assembly on March 4, 1912, the Confederate Pension Act provided aid to indigent and disabled Confederate veterans and their widows.In some cases, the application and supporting documents are the only surviving records of a soldier's service. Arkansas Confederate Pension Records, 1901-1929 (at FLORIDA . The last person to receive a pension from the American Civil War has died. Confederate Military Records Tracing your ancestor's service in the Confederate army during the Civil War can be a very rewarding part of genealogical research. This database contains images of Confederate pension applications for the years 1898 to 1950. Civil War Service Records, Union, Georgia Fold3 . Arkansas and other states, by common consent, had agreed that pensions for C.S.A. Pension files in NARA and VA custody only relate to pension for service to the United States (ie Federal, or Union service). As the first state to secede from the Union, South Carolina has had an abiding interest in preserving a record of the Palmetto State's service to the Confederate States of America. The Civil War, 1861-1865, involved a large percentage of American men in military service. The granting of pensions for military service presented unique problems to the ex-Confederate states and the federal government after the Civil War. The pension index contains military service pension file numbers associated with your See this post in our blog for more information. Kentucky Confederate Pensions County Search. Complete: 21%Content Source The National Archives Record Group 15 Published on Fold3 11 Oct 2008 Last Updated 03 Nov 2017 Description Approved pension applications of widows and other dependents of Civil War veterans who served between 1861 and 1910. T288, 544 rolls. Aaron, James Aaron, Richard Aaron, W. B. Abbott, F. M. Abbott, James Abbott, John P. Kentucky Confederate Pensions County Search. The law was later changed in 1939 to state that widows born after 1870 were not eligible for pensions. Texas passed the Confederate Pension Law in 1899. Act No. to benefit all researchers to come! Arkansas and other states, by common consent, had agreed that pensions for C.S.A. - Search Civil War Pension Index: General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934. Article VII, Section 1, of the 1877 Georgia Constitution authorized the state to pay for artificial limbs for Confederate veterans. Confederate pension files are not at the National Archives. They are held by the southern state in which the veteran lived after the war, not in the state for which he served. Home > Indexes, searches, and catalogs > Confederate veterans records > Confederate pension applications, 1891-1936 Confederate pension applications, 1891-1936 On April 1, 1891, with the passage of Act 91, Arkansas became one of the first southern states to grant annual pensions to Ex-confederate servicemen and their widows. These records were created at the state level and therefore there are some variations in the Neither the Union nor the Confederacy supported large standing armies when the conflict began. Florida Civil War Pension Index. FamilySearch’s US Civil War Era Records web page is a good launching point for Union and Confederate Civil War research. Alabama Department of Archives and History, Military Records Civil War Service Records, Confederate, Georgia Fold3 . As the first state to secede from the Union, South Carolina has had an abiding interest in preserving a record of the Palmetto State's service to the Confederate States of America. The pension law governing claims based on death or disability from military service was passed on 14 July 1862. N1978-067 Civil War, 1863-1865, List of Louisiana Confederate soldiers buried at the Union prison camp in Rock Island, Illinois. Earlier South Carolina pensions had been issued primarily to men disabled by the war, or widows of men who died in Confederate service. Approximately 250 applications under earlier laws are available in Series S126159, Applications for Confederate Pensions, 1888-1906. Baltimore During the Civil War by Scott S. Sheads and Daniel C. Toomey (Toomey Press, 1997). Original source: General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934. Funding such a massive pension system was not an easy thing. Pension payments grew gradually over time starting with that $8/month for a completely disabled private in 1862. The most extensive and powerful of the Union's veterans' organizations was the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR), founded in 1866. Often, when researchers delve into the Civil War compiled service records, they are disappointed with the lack of detailed information. Civil War Prisoner of War Records, 1861-1865 Ancestry . Alabama Civil War Census Records, Confederate; Alabama Civil War Enlistment Records; Alabama Civil War Miscellaneous Records; Alabama Civil War Muster Rolls This information has been collected from a variety of sources. Civil War Soldiers Database National Park Service . The Department of Veterans Affairs cuts a pension check check every month for … Presented in questionnaire form, a soldier’s application lists the Veteran’s place of enlistment, unit, period of service, battles participated in, and whether he was wounded or captured. The last widow of a Civil War veteran was not entitled to his pension. Civil War pension files are by far the most personal of the military service records which are available at the National Archives for the research of individual Civil War veterans. If you would like to volunteer, please email Cyndie Enfinger Millions of these men, or their dependents, applied for pension support from the federal government. Collection No. There can also be the records of a physician’s examination. The North—also called the Federals—held command of the nation’s small regular army and navy, while the South claimed the arsenals of military installations in Confederate territory. Civil War Pension Index: General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934 Ancestry . The names include many individuals who did not serve in Tennessee units, but who later lived in Tennessee at the time he or she applied for the pension. 2. - Search Civil War Pension Index: General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934. It provides the names of soldiers who fought for the various companies for the Confederacy during the Civil War. These records are for those pensions approved by the federal government. Includes name and unit of soldiers. Generally you will find that Union Civil War Pension Records are available from the National Archives while Confederate Civil War Pension Records can be found in the appropriate State Archives or equivalent agency. Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Alabama, M-311, RG 109. 176, 1919 S.C. Acts 275 established a Confederate Pension Department under the direction of a commissioner and a seven-member board and required all existing pensioners to reapply. In 1889, the Confederates veterans' formed the comparably influential United Confederate Veterans (UCV). In 1899, thirty-four years after the close of the Civil War, the Texas Legislature enacted the Confederate Pension Law, awarding benefits to disabled or indigent Confederate veterans and their widows who had resided in Texas since 1880. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, Inc., 2016. Besides some awesome biographical information that they often contain, Civil War pension files often contain a physical description of the veteran. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014. During Reconstruction and thereafter, former Confederate states had even less money to devote to the pension system so they were likewise suspicious of any attempt to abuse it. Please consider sharing any transcribed pension applications. It was not especially uncommon for young women in Arkansas to marry Confederate pensioners; in 1937 the state passed a law stating that women who married Civil War veterans would not be eligible for a widow's pension. 109 East Jones Street. For those researching the post-Civil War era, the related pension records may provide invaluable information on a veteran’s military service, birth and death, family connections, … The Library and Archives has copies of the applications for Confederate soldiers and widows who applied for pensions in Tennessee. Each card gives the soldier’s name, application and certificate numbers, state of enlistment, and might include rank and death information. 919 … Searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images available with fee-based subscription. Sources: The collection, Google Books, Encyclopedia of Virginia, Library of Virginia Scope & Content Note Series 1: Applications, 1876 – 1943, contains one Union pension application, applications for Artificial Limb In 2009, Virginia Code §51.1 - 900 (governing Confederate pensions) was repealed and Confederate pensions ceased to be. This collection contains both the 1885 and 1901 Confederate pension applications from the holdings of the State Archives of North Carolina. A free index is on FamilySearch. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin, 1917, 41. 598, Roll 96, National Archives. The Index to Confederate Pension Applications provides the names, counties of residence, and pension numbers of 54,634 approved, rejected, and home pensions issued by the Texas government between 1899 and 1975. Civil War Prisoner of War Records, 1861-1865 Ancestry . The Library and Archives has copies of the applications for Confederate soldiers and widows who applied for pensions in Tennessee. Related Material: State copies of applications from all other counties except Williamsburg are available in the series Confederate Pension Applications, 1919-1938, in the records of the comptroller general. 844. Raleigh, NC 27601-2807. In 1891 Tennessee established the Board of Pension Examiners to determine if Confederate veterans applying for pensions were eligible. Confederate pension applications, 1891-1936. The 1919 program included all veterans and widows over the age of sixty who had married veterans before 1890. Searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images available with fee-based subscription. This index contains over 49,000 names that were included in the applications submitted to the Board of Pension Commissioners. When Southern pension systems did finally emerge, they generally resembled the pre-1890 U.S. system: eligibility depended upon service-related disability or death and indigence, and widows as well as other dependents of deceased soldiers could receive pensions. The task of compiling these records for Confederate soldiers began in 1903. Missouri, U.S., Confederate Pension Applications and Soldiers Home Applications [database on-line]. ISBN 978-1-4766-6522-1. Civil War Confederate Pension Applications Index. Civil War Service Records, Confederate, Louisiana Fold3 . index to confederate pensions & pension applications files: state of georgia civil war 1860-1865 soldiers and widows county name appling county a-johnson, odadiah appling county jonston, reuben-z yann, elizabeth atkinson county a-z bacon county a-z baker county a-musgrove,e. Pension files in NARA and VA custody only relate to pension for service to the United States (ie Federal, or Union service). During the 35 years after the Civil War until 1900, only disabled soldiers were receiving a pension from the state of Alabama for their service. Pension Files. We are looking for volunteers who will coordinate each state's Civil War Pension records. ... Missouri Confederate Death Records. Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Alabama, M-311, RG 109. The next three decades saw a new Confederate pension bill introduced at nearly every session of the Legislature. The Last Widow’s Pension. What can I find? Hoar, Jay S. Article VII, Section 1, of the 1877 Georgia Constitution authorized the state to pay for artificial limbs for Confederate veterans. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, Inc., 2016. A complete copy (up to 100 pages) of a Union pension file can be ordered from the National Archives using NATF Form 85 or online (select NATF 85D). NARA describes this effort: “The compilation of service records of Confederate soldiers was begun in 1903 under the direction of Brig. ISBN 978-1-4766-6522-1. After the war ended, pension applications were submitted by widows and other dependents of Civil War veterans who served between 1861 and 1910. Although not established until 1939, the Georgia Confederate Pensions and Records Department's foundation dates back to shortly after the end of the Civil War. 1909 Confederate Pension List: Buchanan County : List of Confederate Pensioners: Rockbridge County: Angela M. Ruley: Some Union Pensioners: Rockbridge County: Angela Ruley: Volunteers Needed! Both sides recruited additional Following the Civil War, the Federal Government made a decision not to provide a pension for soldiers who fought in the Confederacy. Overview This collection consists of pension applications and amended applications filed by resident Virginians who served in the Confederate military and their widows, as well as more than 500 enslaved and free Blacks who labored as cooks, herdsmen, laborers, servants, or teamsters. The state board appointed a three-member board for each county to approve applications from local residents. Civil War Confederate Records. In any event, no such law ever passed, and Confederate veterans and their widows never matriculated into the Federal pension system. Confederate pensions were issued by state. Alabama Civil War Service Database Information in this database was compiled from a multitude of sources at the Alabama Department of Archives and History. Civil War Pensions Project Coordinator: Mark Anderson . If not, we will use all of our available tools in an effort to find it for you. With over 186,000 Confederate and approximately 31,000 Federal forces from Tennessee, a wealth of information was captured, recorded, and is available through a variety of documents housed in various collections. {#2.47} About U.S., Civil War Pension Index: General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934 One of the defining events in American history, the Civil War involved millions of men who served the United States and the Confederate States. The Tennessee Confederate Pension Applications is an index to Confederate soldiers and widows who filed for a pension in Tennessee. Civil War Service Records, Union, Alabama Fold3 . Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration. Oliver. Military pension application files based on Federal (not State or Confederate) service between 1775 and 1903 (before World War I) are held by the National Archives.