ISBN: 0939631873. The 7th Inf was redesignated 10-1-17 as the 107th Inf. Volume 1, Regiments 1st-22nd, sharpshooters, Calvary and Artillery, Volume 4, 37th-53rd Regiments, Infantry, Volume 8, 110th-140th Regiments, Infantry; War of 1812 (1812-1815) [edit | edit source] The War of 1812 between Britain and the United States confirmed the separate existence of the United States and the future Canada. (American Expeditionary Force) Chevy Chase Lake--Motion pictures. Saturday, October 13, 2007. ANDERSON'S DIVISION-Maj. Gen. Richard H. AndersonWilcox's Brigade-Brig. Philadelphis,Pennsylvania:Edward Stern & Co., 1918; Thomas Fauntleroy. 1 talking about this. The objects of this association shall be the gathering, preservation and publication of historical material concerning the Second Corps, the perpetuation of the associations of the war for the preservation of the Union, the cultivation of fraternal relations among its members and their intellectual improvement and social enjoyment. One Hundred and Forty-Sixth Regiments of Infantry. 127th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, also known as the 5th United States Colored Troops, in formation on Sandusky Street, Delaware, Ohio ca. Sixty percent of all the men between the ages of 18 and 45 were in the service. VERMONT. Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, 118th (1862-1865); Smith, John L., b. The trefoil of Second Corps appears at the top of each facing. : Born December 4, 1851, died March 12, 1912. EZCURSIONS TOMORROW. Rosters of the New York Infantry Regiments during the Civil War. 140th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, Co. C, D, E, G & K; 148th PVI; BUCKTAILS 149th Regt. HUNTER with Corps badge and rifles motif. Company K, 140th Pennsylvania Volunteers, Civil War. History of the 110th Infantry( 10th Pa.) of the 28th Division, U.S.A. [1] During the American Civil War a Union Army regiment ideally comprised 10 infantry companies. (Succeeded 5, Corps Troops.) It went overseas in May 1918. The 140th took part in nearly all the great engagements of the Army of the Potomac from Fredericks-burg to the close of the war. In 1864 the regulars were brigaded in one command under Ayres, and the 140th was placed in the same brigade; the division was commanded by Gen. Charles Griffin. 20th New York Infantry. Married second in 1896 to Margaret A., daughter of Leonard & Anna (Peffer) Gettman. Infantry - 137th-138th Infantry - 140th-156th Infantry - Garrison Guards Camp Carrington. 140 P.V." Brief History. AMUSEMENTS TONIGHT. Married twice. ... 140th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, Co. C, D, E, G & K; 6th Pennsylvania … Cavalry. and is still visible today. To which is added a record of its organization and a complete roster. 25th Regiment Infantry. Complete book about Company K 140th Penna. Terrell, Adjutant General, Indiana, 1866 View Entire Book 140th Indiana Infantry Soldier Roster - Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Indiana, Volume 7, by W.H.H. Life was very quiet in the Vosges, although there was a German raid on the First Battalion, of the 140th Infantry, under Maj. Fred L. Lemmon, early in August, and three hundred Germans staged a raid on the 139th Infantry. Cavalry. Song-book of the Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania - (1902) - 63 pages. Allamakee County - D’Estaing Harrington - Company C, 13th U. S. Infantry *. 140 P.V." The set contains short histories of every unit, as well as company rosters. INF. Includes their names, rank, ID number, and address. The 35th Division was a Kansas and Missouri Division composed of the organized National Guard of both states. These rosters were compiled by the New York State Adjutant General Office. 141st Pennsylvania Volunteers Last Soldier Project. A Short History and Illustrated Roster of the 112th Infantry Army of the United States. Vols. THIRD ARMY CORPS Lt. Gen. Ambrose P. Hill. The 140th Indiana Infantry Regiment served in the Union Army between October 24, 1864, and July 11, 1865, during the American Civil War. 86th Pennsylvania Volunteers (Failed to complete organization) Brandt, Dennis W. From Home Guards to Heroes: The 87th Pennsylvania and its Civil War Community. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2006. Prowell, George. History of the Eighty-Seventh Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, York, Pennsylvania, 1903. Ayoub, Major Michael N. 1. Sign up to receive timely, useful information in your inbox. Major General John Sedgwick. But in June, 1864, the regiment was transferred to the 1st Brigade of … For more information on the history of the 140th Pennsylvania Infantry, see the following: The Civil War Archive section, 140th Regiment Infantry, (accessed 26 October 2012. The following are the Rosters of the Various Grand Army Posts in the Department of Colorado and Wyoming: Frederick Dyer's Regimental History. The regiment is honored by two monuments at Gettysburg. 66th Pennsylvania Infantry. The 140th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment lost 10 officers and 188 enlisted men killed or mortally wounded and 1 officer and 127 enlisted men to disease during the Civil War. Recruited in late 1862, it fought from the Battle of Chancellorsville through the war until the Army of Northern Virginia's surrender at 67th Pennsylvania Infantry. U.S. Army Military History Institute . It is honored by a monument on Little Round Top at Gettysburg and another monument on the Wilderness battlefield. Citation given: 31 August 1893. Of these, 5,092 were free blacks. 61st. This regiment was organized at Harrisburg August 16, 1862.It mustered out June 23, 1865. Discharged 11 Sept 1865. In Grant's Wilderness campaign, the old Regular Division was melted down into one brigade and so weak had the regiments become that three volunteer regiments were added. 140th Pennsylvania Infantry Monument On the top of the monument is a drum with a flag draped across it. 24th Regiment Infantry. The Ohio National Guard quickly recruited to war time strength, adding the necessary units to form a complete division. and is still visible today. Adams County - Darius P. Kerns - Company F, 83rd Illinois Infantry *. Lieutenant Perrin C. Jenkins, 1st Sharpshooters. Roster of the 100th Regiment, Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteer Infantry, "The Roundheads", from Samuel P. Bates' "Pennsylvania Volunteers" Published in 1870 Map Highlighting Pennsylvania Counties where Companies of the Roundheads Formed (click on map to enlarge) They wer published as a set of 43 volumes between 1893 and 1905. — Reports of Lieut. “It was a nice event,” he said. 20th Regiment Infantry (3 years) 21st Regiment Infantry (3 months) 21st Regiment Infantry (3 years) 22nd Regiment Infantry (3 months) 22nd Regiment Infantry (3 years) 23rd Regiment Infantry. 2002.15.24 - Roster. (A historical marker located in Cumberland Township in Adams County, Pennsylvania.) Terrell, Adjutant General, Indiana, 1867 View Entire Book Killed July 2, 1863 at Gettysburg in the woods north of "Stoney Hill" (ref. Also, the rosters of the 1st Minnesota, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 13th, 5th, 6th, 14th and 16th Infantry Regiments, Vermont Volunteers have been added. History of Company K of the 140th Regiment Pennsylvania ... with a roster of the comrades present by Isaiah Price - (1884) - 64 pages. kernan's--The Utopians. Assigned to: Guard Duty in Tennessee, Mississippi, and Missouri. 140th Regiment, New York Infantry Overview: Organized at Rochester, N. Y., and mustered in September 13, 1862. 68th Pennsylvania Infantry. 65th Pennsylvania Regiment, 5th PA Cavalry. 24th New York Infantry. Officers and Roster of Members, Second Army Corp Association. : Forging the Sword, The Story of Camp Devens , The Rumford Press, 1920, pp 115 - 159 Steve Zolla provides the above information on the 12th Division. The Honors of the Empire State in the War of the Rebellion History of Cortland County Roster of the 185th Regiment N.Y. V. ... 155th Pennsylvania Infantry Following is a complete roster of all who have been members of the Post (through 1887), with a short biographical sketch of each: GEORGE W. RADER, for whom this Post was named, was born near Middletown, August 17, 1840. The Illinois Civil War Project: A successful project to put Illinois Civil War Rosters, History and More on the Internet. The 148th Pennsylvania Infantry was composed of volunteers raised chiefly in Centre County, Pennsylvania, with seven companies hailing from the county.Company C in particular was recruited in the area surrounding the Agricultural College of Pennsylvania (today known as Pennsylvania State University) and included many of the college's students. Accompanied by an excellent esearch file that notes Thaddeus W. Hunter enlisted as a Private on 3/2/64 into Company B of the 143rd Pennsylvania Infantry. Index cards for these men are not in NARA microfilm publication M554, Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Union Soldiers Who Served in Organizations From the State of Pennsylvania (136 rolls) because the cards were never received by Working from Tom Elmore's map, this would likely be an officer attached to Company G, F, or C of the 140th PA. This monument was dedicated by the State of NY in 1889 and pays tribute to the volunteers who formed this regiment, which saw intense fighting at this location during the battle. Company F. ; United States History Civil War, 1861-1865 Regimental histories ; Pennsylvania History Civil War, 1861-1865 Regimental histories. 3rd New York Light Artillery. This page lists soldiers named August Sungrist through Isaac Sweeney who served in Pennsylvania infantry units during the Civil War. The 140th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment lost 8 officers and 141 enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 officers and 168 enlisted men to disease during the Civil War. This collection consists chiefly of official records of army regiments and individual soldiers of New York State who participated in the Civil War from 1861 to 1865. Inscription at Gettysburg: 140th Pennsylvania, Company C .Thomas Publications. Official Report for the 140th Pennsylvania. Story of the 140th Pennsylvania Regiment and Capt. Colonel R. P. Roberts Commanding. Adair County - Lewis Lawson - Company C, 137th Illinois Infantry *. 55 [GAR], living, enlisted in Company F, 106th Pennsylvania Infantry, at Philadelphia, September 12, 1861. Service. New York State Archives, Albany, New York. The construction projects undertaken by the Seabees were not confined solely to building naval installations but they were called upon to construct vital bases for the Army, Marines and for the Allies around the globe. PA Civil War > Bates' "History of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-1865" by Samuel P. Bates This 5 volume series written in 1869 is considered the standard reference for Pennylvania's Civil War regimental rosters and histories. Photos of soldiers that fought during the Great War in the 28th Infantry Division A.E.F. The Seabees began as regular construction battalions made up of 32 officers and 1079 enlisted men. Civil War Infantry Units. 143rd Pennsylvania Infantry vets ladder badge. The division was organized in August 1917 as a National Guard formation with troops from Kansas and Missouri, after a few months as the 14th Division. 18th New York Infantry. Microfilm, 1185 rolls. It left Indiana for Nashville, Tennessee, on November 15.,_Pennsylvania_Infantry 88. ISBN: 0939631873. Strong Vincent’s brigade consisted of 4 regiments, the 20th Maine, 83rd Pennsylvania, 44th New York, and the 16th Michigan. A few are marked with asterisks (*); these men are not mentioned in the regimental sketches since their names were found after the manuscript was completed. Army. Adam Bitler, who is the only charter member of Preston B. Plumb Post No. The 140th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry was a Union Army regiment in the American Civil War, serving in the Eastern Theater. 4, G. A. R. Denver, Colorado. 1846 Open-air Theater. Hall at 10a.m.. 2:30 and 6:30 p.m.; Indian Headat 6:30 p.m. Steamer Pents for River View at 10 a.m., 2:15 and6:45 p.m. Steamer Arrowsmith for Colonial Beach ALECK SWEENEY. Appanoose County - Edward Streepy - Company I, 36th Iowa Infantry *. The New York Regiments entered were in or around Gettysburg at the time of the battle. 62nd Pennsylvania Infantry. The 140th Ohio Infantry was organized in Gallipolis, Ohio and The 140th Pennsylvania Infantry Volunteers were in attendance during the festival. Kansas . Roster A. Lincoln Post No. Deserters from the Second Battalion of six months Pennsylvania Volunteers—Infantry._p003 On 7-27-47 the unit was des-ignated the 7th Regiment of Infantry (National Guard) NY State Militia. R:15 p.m. Chevy Chase Lake-Concert by Marine Bendand dancing. ONE HUNDRED AND FORTIETH INFANTRY. 950 Soldiers Drive . The 140th was then in Ayres' division—the division of regulars. And with the Co-operation of Others of the Company. Amongst these regiments would be the 140th Pennsylvania. No. Last Soldier Project. Died 18 … Carried into action. June 18, 1864 - October 29, 1864. 1 extra regiment was attached to him, the 140th New York, for a total of 5 regiments fighting for Little Round top. BREVET CAPT. as elements of various infantry regiments in the NY State Militia and NG. 140th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment. Created / Published [Philadelphia, Press of Edward Stern & co., inc., c1918] Subject Headings Enlisted in Company E, 8th Indiana Infantry, August 14, 1861, and upon its organization was appointed Sergeant. Historical Listing of Pennsylvania Civil War Color Bearers This appendix lists all known color-bearers included in both volumes of Advance the Colors: Pennsylvania's Civil War Battle Flags. With in-depth features, Expatica brings the international community closer together. Wilderness, Va., 6 May 1864. As of March 3, 2021, there are 518,222 entries in this database. 140th New York Infantry- Col. Patrick O'Rorke(k), Lt. Col. Louis Ernst 146th New York Infantry- Col. Kenner Garrard, Lt. Col. David T. Jenkins 91st Pennsylvania Infantry- Lt. … Under the Direction of. 1861-1900]. It consisted of the 69th Infantry Brigade (137th and 138th Infantry Regiments) and the 70th Infantry Brigade (139th and 140th Infantry Regiments). * Denotes new additions May 19, 1999 People With Surname Small (Smalle, Smalley, Scmalz, etc.) The Regular Army was represented by battalions of the 2d, 11th, 12th and 14th Infantry. Recruitment, organization, and service record of the 140th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment. Artillery & Engineers. Historical Listing of Pennsylvania Civil War Color Bearers This appendix lists all known color-bearers included in both volumes of Advance the Colors: Pennsylvania's Civil War Battle Flags. BINGHAM, HENRY HARRISON. Original data: Civil War Muster Roll Abstracts of New York State Volunteers, United States Sharpshooters, and United States Colored Troops [ca. Organized at Pittsburg and Harrisburg, the regiment was mustered into service on September 8, 1862, and mustered out May 31, 1865. Organized by county with full text citations and additional commentary. The 140th Pennsylvania was commanded at the Battle of Gettysburg by The regiment was camped near Philadelphia for three weeks and then went to Portsville, Va., where the men were drilled. 23rd New York Infantry. Inscription at Gettysburg: 140th Pennsylvania, Company C .Thomas Publications. 69th Pennsylvania Infantry. Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, 140th (1862-1865). Company C, 140th Pennsylvania Infantry. 140th Reg't. These were the 140th and 146th New York, and 155th Pennsylvania. SERIAL No. BEHM, William F. – Private, Co. E, 78th PA Volunteer Infantry. The 48th in the war. This regiment was organized in the field from Veterans and Recruits of the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps May 31, 1864. Each company had … Roster of Company I 140th Illinois Infantry Company "I" 140th Illinois Infantry 1862. It mustered out June 28, 1865. S.l. Eighty-fourth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers (Infantry) Address by Captain Thomas E. Merchant at the Dedication of the Monument on the Battlefield of Gettysburg 1889, Philadelphia, 1890. Young, Jesse Bowman. The Battle of Gettysburg: The 84th Pennsylvania Infantry, Kallman Publishers. Reprint of 1913 First Edition. Charles Speisberger, D (name on the New York roster is "Spiesberger") George Strobridge, E Ross Thomas, E Sanford Webb, G John Zubber, B (name on the New York roster is "Zuller") These three men are listed as members of the 140th New York on their gravestones but I could not find them on the regimental roster. For more information on the history of this unit, see: The Civil War Archive section, 190th Regiment Infantry, (accessed 1 November 2012). By B. F. POWELSON, (First Sergeant for Over Two Years.) Even though the set was originally printed in 1869, it is widely available in many Pennsylvania libraries, as well as libraries in other states. Organized at Rochester, N.Y. Posted By Norman Gasbarro on April 6, 2015 . The “fresh fish” joined the army in the days following the disaster at Fredericksburg, and were assigned to … WAYNESBURG – The rise of the Harvest Moon on Sept. 8 heralded the coming of autumn. Collections Division . T.W. Born May 1845 in PA, son of Nickolas & Louisa (Rehnick) Behm, Jr. Enlisted 18 Feb 1865. 887 BAKER, JESSE M.—Age, 24 years. One of these new regiments was the 140th Pennsylvania. The campaigns of the Fifty-second regiment, Pennsylvania volunteer infantry : first known as "The Luzerne Regiment" ; being the record of nearly four years' continuous service, from October 7, 1861, to July 12, 1865, in the War for the Suppression of the Rebellion. Vols., 1862-'65 by B. F. POWELSON, 1906. List of veterans, widows and dependents receiving pensions for military service in Schuylkill, Berks, Lebanon, and Lehigh Counties, Pennsylvania in 1883. This regiment was organized at Pittsburg and Harrisburg and mustered in September 8, 1862.It mustered out May 31, 1865. David Acheson, killed; and Lt. Isaac Vance wounded (lost an arm) on July 2. Dear Twitpic Community - thank you for all the wonderful photos you have taken over the years. Private Daniel Foley said the Volunteers enjoyed the festival. Philadelphia, Captain, Company G, 140th Pennsylvania Infantry. 141st Pennsylvania Volunteers Adjutant General's Regiment History. History of Company K of the 140th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers (1862-'65), by Benjamin F. Powelson and Alexander Sweeney (Gutenberg ebook) In The Ranks: From the Wilderness to Appomattox Court House: The War, as Seen and Experienced by a Private Soldier in the Army of the Potomac , by R. E. McBride (Gutenberg ebook) Soldiers of the 48th: Private William A. Miller, Co. A: The 48th's First Death. 100 Days Service. History of Company K of the 140th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers (1862-'65) (1906) - Powelson, Benjamin F; Sweeney, Alexander - 78 pages History of the One hundred and thirty-eighth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteer infantry (1866) - Lewis, Osceola - 198 pages Pennsylvania.